Chapter 8 - Urgent

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Nyx's POV

What is even happening? I was a girl that didn't care for anyone but herself. I woke up, I fought, flirted a little, got paid and, went home. Just taking things by the day so I could get by. Now, I'm laying down in my bed with Layla underneath the covers with me. We were fully clothed because nothing happened but our arms and legs were intertwined with each other. I'm not one to kiss a girl and then convinces her into sleeping with me that very night. Or at least I don't think I am. Again, dating and what not was never a priority. Was this even dating? We did end up falling asleep talking to each other though.

I stopped when Layla shifted in my arms. She shifted closer to me, placing her head in the crook of my neck. I felt a shiver run down me as her breath hit me. I didn't realize that vampires were this cold. Granted vampires are cold by nature but I thought they were more like ice. Layla is cool to the touch but not freezing like everyone says. Maybe it's the turned vampire thing. I didn't realize there was a difference. I'll have to find that out later.

"Nyx?" I heard her mumble. She shifted so she could wrap her arm around my waist. I do have to say it feels great to be held onto like this. Not in that gods awful way that men would wrap their arms around me. It felt different but a good kind of different.


"You're moving a lot." Was I? I didn't realize I moved so much. Is it because I'm not used to sharing a bed with someone?

"Uh sorry?" I apologized. Layla then pulled away slightly so she could look me in the eye. Her hair was all over the place and even though her eyes were half closed, her gaze was laced with a concerned look.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just thinking." Layla propped her head up on her hand and tilted her head in interest.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Everything." She glared at me. I'm not lying to her, I just don't want to elaborate but her eyes really bore into me as if she could find the actual truth. "Go back to sleep." I murmured and tried to pull her close to me. Layla placed her arm in front of me so I couldn't move her. Damn her and her vampire strength. It bothers me that she's leagues ahead of me in strength sometimes. I met her gaze. "What?"

"Are you ok?" She asked seriously. I can't help but roll my eyes. She worries more than anyone I ever met.

"I'm fine. It's just my mind racing." When I went to look at her again I expected a look of confusion or disbelief. Instead, Layla had a soft understanding look. She pulled me close to her. My face was resting against her chest and I could feel her heartbeat, it was extremely slow. Maybe that's a vampire thing too.

"If something is bothering you," Layla began. She trailed her fingers through my hair as she held me. I couldn't help but close my eyes at the feeling. She was gentle and gentle was such a nice changed compared to who I used to deal with. "You can come to me. I'd be happy to talk about it."

"I promise I'm ok. A lot has happened in the last few days, that's all." I answered and wrapped an arm around her waist. Layla only nodded and held onto me like I was some sort of body pillow. I won't lie, she's really comfortable. However, one thing won't escape my mind. "Hey Layla, can I ask you something?"

"May you and yes go right ahead." She murmured as she rested her head on top of mine. I opened my eyes only to roll them. She would correct my speech.

"You're a turned vampire right?" I asked. All I got was a hum that I took as a yes. "What's the difference between turned and pure?" This got a reaction out of her. Her shoulders seemed tense and her body was stiff. "You don't have to-"

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