Chapter 12 - Crazy

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Here I am, back at it again with another chapter! Before the chapter begins, I just wanted to dedicate this chapter and thank DallasNight for continuing to stick to this story even though I really don't update at all, getting through I'm sure numerous grammar/spelling mistakes and, for keeping up with what is sorta (and continue to be) a wild ride since this is my first serious story book thing.

You rock!

And enjoy!


Nyx's POV

Everything was happening so fast. As I stepped out of the tent there was nothing but chaos. Valkyries were running, flying everywhere, fighting the shadow creatures, helping their comrades, and I stood in the middle of it with my hands coated in blood. I looked down at the scarlet that's starting to dry on my skin. I've seen bloodshed, hell I've participated in it, but nothing will ever compare to what I saw. In all my years of fighting for survival and those years in the pit were nothing compared to the lose in that tent. It was overwhelming and it brought back so many memories.

All of the commotion seemed to be going in slow motion. As I turned to my left, I could see a Valkyrie crumble to the ground, dead. Her eyes open and completely lifeless. The shadow creature practically playing with her body. It was morbid. A battle cry sounded and another girl jumped in and pushed the creature back.

To my right a younger Valkyrie was crawling on the ground trying to catch her breath and to null the pain of her wounds. She struggled to move until another, older Valkyrie came and scooped her up. Probably to take her to Layla in hopes she can be saved.

Fuck. I left Layla. I know my job is to help her but I couldn't be there. I couldn't be in that tent with all of the blood and the agony and the pain. It reminds me too much of how I got introduced to the pit. The hell I went through to get to where I was, I buried so I could make myself forget. All of those drunken nights alone helped me suppress it all but just one sight of that tent, made it all come back. It was like someone demolished the floodgates of my memories and they all came pouring back.

I turned back to the display in front of me, one of the creatures was gurgling at me. Even though I can't see it's face or any form it could possibly have, I could sense it wasn't looking for a fight. It was watching me and my movements.


That's what I heard echoing. I almost didn't hear it. I observed the creature, it's shadowy form starting to pull into one floating form.

"Special Blood."

I think it was trying to talk to me? Maybe? The form started to become more and more solid, shrinking into a small mass of purple.

"Nyx!" I turned to see Brenna charging, blood running down her face. She pointed her spear at the creature. Before I even had time to think my body took over. I countered Brenna's attack, cutting my forearm on the spear's tip.

"Don't." I croaked out. My throat was so sore from the heavy breathing I went through earlier in the tent. Brenna stopped in disbelief.

"Special Blood is spilled."

"What's special about it?" I asked. The creature floated to me and shrunk to the size of one the stray cats I used to see while at the pit. I glanced back at Brenna who just stared back.


I extended my arm out. The creature shrunk back. "Wait, I'm not going to hurt you. If my blood is so special why are you moving away?" I'm talking a floating sorta ball of purple gas. This is one of the weirdest things I've ever done.

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