Chapter 17 - Rescue

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Hello my lovelies! The last chapter sorta flopped but that's ok! I'm aware it's one of my weaker ones. I believe this one will be too only because it's inbetween plot and what I want to do. Oh well! Thank you however for getting me this far! Tbh if you guys didn't find this story as interesting as you do, I would have abandoned the project. So pat yourselves on the back! I love you guys and I hope you enjoy!


Layla's POV

So many people are injured. It's starting to get too much for us, even with the Priestess' help. We even had to call some of the witches from the village. There is just so much pain and agony. The girl in front of me had an open wound that was pouring out blood. I did my best to suppress the bleeding as much as I could.

"Fire!" I called out. One of the Valkyries that offered her help came over with a knife that had been sitting in the fire. She came over and handed it to me. We were running out of stitches and supplies so this was the only way to close the wounds. "Deep breath this will hurt." I instructed before placing the blade on the girl's wound. She yelled in pain as I watched the blood bubble off of her skin. I then pulled the blade away. "You'll be ok-"

"Ivah! I need to speak with you!" I turned to see Geneva come in looking frantic. The Priestess barely even glanced at her.

"A little busy dear, can't it wait?" She asked while closing a wound.

"It's dire. It's about Nyx." Geneva then noticed my presence in the tent. "It would be better if we could talk alone. Now." I stopped what I was doing and eyed her. What about Nyx? What was going on with her?

"What happened?" I demanded walking over. The Priestess noticing what was going on and quickly stepped between us. She sighed.

"Let's talk somewhere else. Get back to work Braxton." She ordered at me. I watched them leave. I need to know what happened. What did Nyx do?

"Layla! I can't fix this one's leg!" I turned back to one of the valkyrie medics and came over. The girl on the cot had her leg bent out at a weird angle. It was a few dislocations which would hurt setting them back together.

"Ok, hold her down, I'll set everything back into pace." I instructed and took a hold of the leg snapping it into place. I cringed at the screams of pain that followed but it had to be done. At least there weren't as many casualties this time around. A lot less bleeding but much more injuries. Before I could move onto the next patient, the Priestess walked back in. "What happened?" I demanded.

"Ms. Braxton. We will talk when we are done here." Before the Priestess could walk away I grabbed her arm.

"Ivah. Please." I begged. The Priestess stopped and nodded her head towards the tent flap. "I'll cover things here. They're having a meeting about it. Syren's there, go to him. You'll need him to fill you in."

"Thank you." I told her and ran out of the tent. I ran to the field that they have meetings in. There was a small crowd formed around a war table. I pushed to the front where Syren was. "What happened?" He turned and went to open his mouth when Geneva cut him off.

"Brenna get her out of here. She isn't needed at the moment." I glared at Geneva who took that glare full force. Brenna came over and gently took my arm when I ripped it out of her grasp.

"If this is about Nyx then I'm staying." Geneva contemplated it and sighed. She then turned back to the map in front of her.

"As I was saying, Nyx and I were standing here, forty yards away from the gate, when it fooled us. It disguised itself as a Valkyrie and I'll be damned it was a good illusion. Now when it revealed itself, we did our best to defend against it." She then looked at Syren. "You were unable to identify it because these creatures aren't a new species. It was made clear to me when the creature grabbed ahold of Nyx. They're puppets." Syren nodded.

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