Chapter 18 - Thanks

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Holy mother fucking shit!!! Over 100 votes?! Thank you thank you thank you! Wow, I was very surprised at that. I didn't think this story was all that special! But apparently, you guys like it! So I can promise you that this book will get finished and I will do my best to update as frequently as I can!

Ok my lovelies, this chapter has some nudity in it and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Nyx's POV

The walk back to camp was long. I'm glad Layla was one of the people who got me out of that psycho's lair. As the camp was in view, I let go of Layla's hand. I could sense she was not happy with this but it's better off this way. We're technically on the clock. When the doors opened, Ivah was waiting with Aldrich by her side along with multiple Valkyries. Once the doors were shut, she gave me a quick glance up and down.

"Well I can certainly say you've looked better." She smiled at me which I returned.

"I think I look great." I answered and heard Syren drop the evil bastard on the ground with a thud. "Oh how rude of me, this is my kidnapper and the single person behind all of the attacks." Many Valkyries murmured silently but neglecting to keep the anger from their voices. More and more of the camp came to get a better view. Even the witches came to watch the show. I was even more surprised to see Cacia limping over and leaning on Aldrich. The man slowly got himself to a kneeling position and glared at everyone.

"Who is he?" Aldrich asked and whispered something to Cacia who in return looked offended.

"He's a murderer." She grumbled.

"Why are the crazies always so pretty?" He asked. Typical.

"He won't talk no matter what we ask." Geneva answered cutting off the red head. We all looked at him and he spit at my feet.

"Don't think you've won pet." I turned to look him in the eye. "I'm not the only one who's going to come after you. I've already sent out word you exist." He grinned. "I'm only the tip of the iceberg." He smirked and I quickly went and backhanded him. The stinging I felt across my hand was so worth it.

"They won't be able to get to me." I answered. He only laughed. One of the witches ran forward.

"Eric!" She called and collapsed on the ground in front of him. Gently cupping his face. "What are you doing here?" She asked, examining the wounds on his chest. "What happened to you?" Ivah came over and kneeled by them.

"How do you know him?" She asked calmly. The witch turned and looked at her, fear in her eyes.

"He's my son, my baby boy." She murmured and wrapped her arms around him. "Please don't hurt my baby boy." She then turned to look at me. "I know he's done wrong but please. He's no older than 19." She's a gifted healer and her name is Esme and I couldn't look her in the eye. She just wants to protect her son and this is not my home. I turned my head so I don't have to look at her. As I turn away I can hear snickering coming from Eric.

"Where's your anger? Where is the fury and the passion pet? I thought your anger was never ending." He asked as he looked at me, an awful grin on his face. I snapped my head around to glare but the more I did, the bigger he grinned.

"I'm saving it for later." I answered before turning away. The less I enable the quicker this is over. This time he bursted with laughter.

"Oh! I see!" Ok he needs to shut the hell up. "You're saving yourself for your girlfriend!" For fuck's sake shut up. "You gotta save your energy so you can have a fun night." Shut up. "Admit it!" SHUT UP. "I saw the marks on your chest! You already had something going on!" Nope, no longer calm. I turned and went to attack when his mother stood up and tackled me to the ground.

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