Chapter 15 - Confrontation

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Hello! I am so sorry for this hiatus! But I said that the birthday present to myself is to publish the next chapter for you! And since I gifted myself, I'm gifting you guys. This chapter is longer then the others! I hope you enjoy!


Layla's POV

I stepped out of the house Nyx and I stayed in. The sun filtered through the branches of the tall trees and a slight cool breeze filtered through. It would have been such a good morning if I knew where Nyx was. I dismissed her fear as if it was nothing. Nyx isn't the type to blindly go with what someone says, I know that yet I thought it would somehow work. I started walking to the center of the witches' village to see a few members of the council sharing a meal and talking. I try to turn around and walk away when one of them catches sight of me.

"Braxton! Come share a bite to eat." Cacia called over. Aldrich then leaned over and whispered something in her ear which earned a giggle from Cacia. I felt anger with a hint of fear stir in my stomach, so I marched over and crossed my arms in front of Aldrich.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Care to speak a little louder?" Cacia bit her lip to refrain from laughing and took a sip from her glass. Aldrich sat up straight and adjusted his vest.

"I only said that you might as well join us since it'll be your last chance to." Aldrich shrugged. "Our Priestess is not very pleased with you at the moment and neither is your precious pet. So tell me what you did you do to piss them both off?" I bit my lip.

"I have no idea." Aldrich smirked. He knows I'm lying. I know why they're upset. I'm hiding things and that's why they're pissed.

"Well, I hope it isn't too serious." He then took another sip of his glass. "Since they're walking here now." I turned, both Nyx and the priestess seemed to be in a pleasant mood. Nyx was sweaty and a glint of excitement in her eyes. They must have been sparring. The Priestess looked pleased with whatever they were talking about. However, both of their smiles dropped when they noticed me. Nyx narrowed her eyes before changing her course and started walking away.

"Nyx I-" She barely glanced my way before shouldering past, back to the cottage we shared. An awkward silence filled the area as the Priestess made her way over.

"I would normally congratulate you on his medical breakthrough but considering you went behind protocol and behind my back, I don't think I can muster it." The council members looked back and forth between us.


"Are you aware that what you did to Nyx is the exact thing that happened to you?" This got murmurs from the council. I felt panic creep into my throat. It's unspoken but everyone knows what happened to me.

"Sh-she was dying!" I blurted out. The Priestess didn't even blink.

"So were you." Ivah had such a calm demeanor and it made me panic more.

"This is different!" I protested. The Priestess kept her gaze on me. "I didn't have a choice." The reasoning came out broken. Even I didn't believe it.

"You didn't have to save her." I felt my hands clench into fists.

'I couldn't let her die alright? Not in the way she would have," The Priestess shook her head.

"And in doing so, you depleted us of a valuable resource. Braxton what you were able to do was groundbreaking, however, you put the council at a risk. The moment we get back, I'm changing Nyx's file and employment description and you will be on a two-week suspension." I felt my body go numb at the notion.

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