Chapter 6 - Sorry

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Nyx's POV

"Please sit still." I was sitting in what was deemed as "Nyx's chair" when I looked over at Layla. She was sitting next to me doing an examination on my upper arm where Cacia attacked me. After the meeting, Layla dragged me to her study to look me over.

"It burns." I answered. She rolled her eyes and grabbed another bandage.

"Suck it up." I can't help but smile. I think I'm rubbing off on her.

"Look who has a smart mouth now." I commented. Layla looked up from her work and stared at me in disbelief. "What?"

"You're on to talk. Also, don't forget to clean your lip up. You still have blood on it." I shrugged. Always had a smart mouth always will. After Layla started triple checking my vitals I pushed her off of me. She is sometimes over careful with her treatments.

"How are you feeling?" Layla gave me a confused look. I swear I see more of a confused look on her than any other. "The meeting. I've never heard your voice sound so distressed and you looked terrified." Layla opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. I stood up and inspected the bandage on my arm. "So, I'll ask again, how are you feeling?" She then started cleaning up her supplies.

"I'm fine."

"Liar." Her head snapped up to look at me. "Don't try to deny it." Layla sighed and put her face into her hands.

"If I'm being completely honest, I'm still terrified." I quickly pulled her to her feet. "What are you doing?" I then led her to the door and opened it. She quickly pulled away from my grip.

"Trust me." I told her softly. Layla looked me in the eye before I grabbed her arm again. She nodded and I smiled at her. Her body seemed to relax as I guided her down the hallway. Finally, I led her to my room and opened the door. Once I got her in the room, I shut the door.

"Why did you bring me here?" Layla asked. She crossed her arms in a way where she was shielding herself.

"Well, you're scared. This room will be your safe place. No matter how terrified you are, you can come here to get away for awhile." Layla eyed me carefully. She was trying to read me and what was going on through my head. Too bad there isn't any more to read. I'm telling her everything she wants to know. "I'll be in here with you if you need it."

"I can't." She murmured. Sometimes I think she's more stubborn than I am.

"Yes, you can. You spend so much time catering to others that you neglect your own needs." I then took a step closer to Layla, taking her hands into mine. I didn't expect her hands to be so smooth. "It's time to actually take care of yourself." I guided her to my bed so she could sit down.

"I really can't. I have multiple tasks that need to be completed daily that I barely finish as it is. I can't afford the pleasure to have something like this." I fight the urge to roll my eyes at her. She was giving me an excuse and I think we both know it.

"You think too much." I told her before stepping right in front of her and looking down. It was weird looking down at Layla. She's so tall compared to me that looking down at her feels really awkward. "I'm offering you a place to finally let out all of the emotions you bottle up. Take it." I told her softly. I then pulled her upper body towards me to hug her. After a few moments of hesitation, Layla wrapped her arms around me.

"Thank you." She murmured. Layla then started to shake. I moved slowly and sat down next to her, still holding her against my chest. "Nyx, I-" I swear to all things holy, she doesn't know when to quit.

"Stop." Layla immediately stiffened. "Wait until you calm down, then you can talk about what's going on in your head." Layla then adjusted herself so she rested her weight on me. She still shook as she buried her face into my shoulder. I tightened the embrace. "Cry if you need to. I'll be right here." Layla continued to shake. Her breathing became raspy and heavy. I could feel her gripping onto my shirt as I held her. We stayed like this for awhile. Finally, Layla's breathing calmed and the shaking subsided. Her muscles also seemed to relax. "Do you want to try talking?"

Layla didn't answer, she just pulled away from my grasp. She didn't go far. She just placed her forehead against mine. I tried to look her in the eye to get some concept of what was going through her head but her eyes were firmly shut. Tears ran down her cheeks and continued to fall. This was all too familiar. Someone close to me was breaking down in my arms. Are Layla and I even that close? It doesn't matter. This is just the same scene with a different face. I'll be here, though. Whenever she needs me, I'll be here. That's part of my job. Did this even count as a job? I gently wiped away all of Layla's tears.

"I'm sorry." Layla murmured. I glanced up to see her eyes finally open. They were red from the crying. Before I could open my mouth to comment, her lips were on mine. Layla's lips were soft and slightly wet from all the crying. After the quick moment passed, she pulled away. I looked in her brown eyes. She looked as if she would start crying again. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" I don't know why but I pulled her into another kiss. Maybe it's the 19 years I've been alone that made me kiss her again. I can feel my mind getting hazy. I pulled away and looked her in the eye. Her brown irises flashed red. I then was pushed away quickly.

"Layla?" I asked.

"Please, don't." She ordered and got off the bed and started to head to the door.

"What's going on?" I asked before following her. I grabbed her arm.

"Nyx. This is not the time." She pulled away from me and swung the door open. "I can't be near you." Layla then ran down the hallway. I watched her go knowing I couldn't keep up. I didn't realize I was that bad at kissing or reading the situation. What could have set her off? I walked back inside my room and went over to the mirror. Was I that bad? Was it my lack in muscle in my lips or something? My lips. That's the answer. My busted lip. I never cleaned the blood off of my lip. Did she end up tasting it? Damn it. Why don't I listen to her more often?

I then ran out the door and started weaving in and out of the hallways. I wiped the blood off of my face. Finally, I made it to the door I needed and knocked. Soon the door opened and stood Ivah.

"How can I help you Ms. Nyx?" I looked at Ivah and took a deep breath.

"Do you know where Layla goes when her eyes turn to red?" Ivah raised an eyebrow at me.

"You do know it is quite normal for Turned Vampires to have red eyes when they feed right?" I rolled my eyes.

"Everyone who's aware of Vampires knows that. I'm asking where Layla would go. Please, I wouldn't be asking unless I needed to know." Ivah eyed me once more before nodding.

"Go to the south exit and into the gardens. She'll be in the farthest corner." The older Vampire smiled warmly at me. "Good luck."

"Wait, why the hell do Vampires need an outside garden anyway? Aren't you terrified of sunlight?" I asked. Ivah rolled her eyes.

"Go find Miss. Braxton."

"Yes, ma'am." I then started my trek down the hallway. I have a Vampire to find and clear up the situation. Maybe even say I'm sorry for all of this.

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