Chapter 22 - Cute

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Hello everyone! So here is a bit of a filler because I don't know how to connect plot super well but it will be better later on! Sooooooo, yeah.

Here you go!


Nyx's POV

Here I am, sitting in Layla's chair in the Council room and it felt so unnatural. Why it was a good idea to put me a temporary replacement I will never understand. Layla stood next to me rocking back and forth on her feet. I sat next to Aldrich who nodded at me respectfully. Since he found out I'm an angel, he's been super nice and respectful as much as Aldrich was capable of. It creeped me out to be perfectly honest. Ivah swiftly opened the doors and went to her spot.

"Thank you for coming on short notice, even if some of you are not formally dressed for the occasion." I felt all eyes go one me. Whatever, I was in bed when I was told about the meeting. Sorry I didn't put on a three-piece suit instead of shorts and a tank top. "After some further interrogation, Eric has revealed the location of the current threat against the Council." Everyone started to murmur. We all exchanged looks. Did Eric really give up that information willingly? Or is he planning something else? "However, we only have the town and know nothing else. I'm sending a team to go there and figure where and who this threat is. Cacia, Aldrich, our colleague Alo, Layla, and Nyx. The five of you will be going to Marowl." I tried to keep my body from becoming stiff but couldn't fight it. Layla gently placed a hand on my shoulder. We're going back to Marowl. You've got to be fucking kidding me. The one place I don't want to go to. I've been trying to forget about my hometown since the Council picked me up. Woo fucking hoo.

"Shouldn't be too bad, we've all been there before right Nyx?" I turned and glared at Aldrich. He's such an asshole.

"Because last time was such a pleasure trip for all of us." I shot back. Aldrich grinned at me. He loved when I shot back. He liked when people's blood pressure rises.

"E-excuse me, Priestess, but why would I be going?" Layla asked from behind me, breaking up the argument. Ivah sighed.

"Whether you realize it or not, you are highly intuitive. You'll pick up things the others won't. Besides, I don't know what the danger level is. I someone with medical experience to help with possible injuries." Ivah then turned to Cacia.

"You will be leading the group." Cacia's eyes almost bulged out of her head.

"I've never lead something like this. Shouldn't Aldrich be in charge or someone else that isn't me?" She sputtered. Cacia looked at Aldrich for help. The redhead nodded and cleared his throat.

"With all due respect Priestess but shouldn't Cacia's first leadership role be ahead of something of less importance?" Aldrich then gave a sympathetic glance to Cacia. "No offense."

"None taken." For the first time I've ever seen, Cacia looked scared. I sometimes forget that she's the newest addition to the council. Ivah just shook her head.

"Cacia, you are the fittest to lead this mission. Your specialty is communications. You're going to have to get information from people and that's what you do best. Layla can't take lead since she's on suspension of the Council. Nyx can't keep herself in check." I guess we're not pulling punches. "Aldrich may have had the lead before but it's time you stepped up to the plate." The room was silent at her words. She wasn't wrong. Cacia simply nodded.

"I understand Priestess." Cacia murmured before going deep into thought. I'm glad I'm not her right now.

"On that note, you leave tomorrow night. I wish you all the best of luck. Meeting adjourned." We all stood except Cacia who sat there thinking. I turned to look at Layla. Her face was unreadable but based on her stance, this suspension thing is getting to her. I patted her arm softly before heading to the door.

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