Chapter 5 - Stay

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Layla's POV

I stood outside by Nyx's door. It was a new morning and I was supposed to get Nyx in twenty minutes but couldn't wait. I felt bad with how I acted yesterday. It was obvious, I pushed her past her comfort zone. I don't think she knew that I knew about her scar. It was the oldest and the largest one she had. I should apologize. I rubbed my face. Why did I corner her?

It didn't matter. It happened but now I need to make things right. It's decided I'm going in right now to apologize! I reached out and turned the knob.

"Nyx, I just need to-" My jaw dropped once I opened the door. I should have knocked. I should have knocked. I should have knocked.

"Are you alright Layla?" I couldn't answer. Nyx had just got out of the shower and had only a towel wrapped around her. I looked Nyx in the eye before quickly leaving the room and slamming the door shut.

Why did I do that? Knocking is a basic concept and now I invaded her privacy! Perfect, I just keep messing up day by day. I turned when the door opened. Nyx walked out with jeans and a tank top.

"Are you going to be okay?" I cleared my throat before nodding.

"Uh, yes and you have my sincerest apologies for not knocking." She looked up at me with a nonchalant look.

"It's no big deal." I rubbed the back of my neck as Nyx shrugged.

"I also want to apologize for last night," This made Nyx stiffen. She then removed her gaze off of me and then crossed her arms. She was protecting herself from me. Almost like putting up a mental barrier so I could stay away from her. After a few moments, Nyx looked back up at me.

"You should be apologizing to me for all the goddamn reading you made me do." She smirked at me. "Can you even read your own handwriting?" She's ignoring the fact last night even happened. Putting humor up to cover up her negative feelings about it. Nevertheless, I gave her a soft smile. I'll play her protection game until I can really talk to her.

"Yes I can read it, my penmanship is fine. You just don't like reading and if I recall, you're not done." Nyx nodded as she turned around, looking down the hallway.

"Don't we have somewhere to be? This way right?" I rolled my eyes at her antics. I feel horrendous for how I've been acting towards her lately but she's great company. It's selfish to be the one taking all of the good and inflicting the bad. I have to make it up to her.

"It's actually this way." I instructed.

I turned and headed down the maze of hallways, Nyx following right behind me. We ended up passing the spot I pinned her. I really do feel horrible. I feel almost as sick as I did when I first drank blood when I think of it. I don't know what came over me. I just felt so protective over her and then I just shoved her into a wall out of my own shortcomings. I didn't even think about it either, my body just moved. Maybe I just wanted to get close to her. Whatever the reason it was messed up.

"Layla," Nyx's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned to look at her. "Which way now?" I looked around. I stood at the end of the hall. I really need to stop spacing out.

"Over here." I led her to large doors that loomed over us. "Now Nyx, please don't say anything. This will get done a lot quicker if we say nothing." Nyx nodded at me. I opened the doors leading to the meeting room. The room was well lit by multiple chandeliers and had one large table in the middle. At the head of the table stood a large chair for the Priestess. Most of the council was already seated when we walked in.

I went to my chair and sat down quietly, Nyx standing right behind me. I glanced at the Priestess. She smiled at me with a knowing look. I can feel the stares of the other council members on me. They all know I like humans. I like them more than they think I should. After a few more moments, all the members arrived and the Priestess stood up, clearing her throat.

"I hate to start this meeting like this but, let's release the banshee in the room. After our last meeting, popular vote permitted a human to stay here under our protection. Since this decision, a few of you brought it to my attention that you no longer agree with this decision." I glanced at the other members. Some were smirking at the last remark. "I would like to initiate a new vote. This human will stay under the Council's protection and work under Ms. Braxton's department. All those in favor?" I lifted my arm to cast my vote. Along with me, Syren raised his hand and to my surprise, Aldrich did as well. The Priestess sighed. "Majority vote rules, the human is no longer-"

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I snapped my head around to look at Nyx, her outburst made a pit in my stomach formed. Her arms were crossed tightly across her chest. Her eyes roaring with fury.

"Nyx, don't start." I warned. She didn't even glance at me. Her eyes were trained on Ivah.

"Give me a chance to prove myself." Nyx demanded. The room was silent until someone burst with laughter. I turned to look directly across the table from me. A vampire by the name of Cacia was banging on the table in her fit of laughter. Cacia had dark skin and blonde hair. "What's so amusing?" Nyx demanded training her gaze on Cacia. The female vampire took a few breaths to recover from the laughing.

"It's hysterical that a pit whore thinks she has the right to speak here!" Cacia leaned over and rested her chin on her hand.

"Says the blood sucking bitch that slept her way to her position." Nyx answered. I stood up abruptly.

"That is enough Nyx!" I turned and looked at the smaller girl. She simply ignored me and smirked. I turned to look at Ivah. However, a grin was plastered onto her face. Was she enjoying this? Cacia stood up as well, her face contorted in anger.

"Don't go picking fights that you can't win." Cacia warned before smirking. "But then again you know a lot about losing before the fight before it starts." I turned to Nyx. Her stance changed slightly. Nyx wanted to fight. I could see it in her eyes and see it in the way her muscles tightened in her arms.

"Tell me, what drew you to the department of communication Cacia Johnson? I don't think it's to keep the peace between species. I think you only kept good communication skills with men while in bed." Nyx's remark made Cacia's smirk fade to a deep frown. She then quickly leaped across the table towards Nyx.

"Let's see how good at fighting you are!" Nyx dodged with a side step and quickly jumped onto Cacia's back. The rest of the council rose to their feet to watch the altercation.

"Both of you! Stop!" I called but my words did nothing. Nyx soon wrapped her arm around Cacia's neck and held her in a chokehold. Cacia sputtered and clawed at Nyx's arm. Nyx quickly lets go out of pain. Her arm started to get coated with blood. "Nyx! Please!" I cried. Nyx quickly glanced towards me.

"Don't you dare ignore me." Cacia ordered and quickly punched Nyx in the mouth.

"Fuck off." Nyx grumbled. It was like a switch was flipped in the small girl. She quickly grabbed Cacia by her hair and drug her to the wall. She swiftly slammed Cacia's face into the wall before letting go. Cacia crumbled to the ground, black blood gushing from her nose. She then turned and walked over to me. Blood was rolling down from her upper right arm where she was scratched. Her bottom lip was busted from the punch she received. She stood by my side and didn't say a word.

"Well," I turned to see the Priestess stand up and adjust her blouse. "We've had enough fun for today. I think we can agree that this human, Nyx, can hold her own here. I'm making a compromise. Nyx will stay here to work under Layla's department but she will not receive protection from the council. All those in favor?" Almost the whole council raised their hands in favor. "The majority rules. Nyx will stay." 

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