Chapter 20 - Slow

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Hellooooooo! So uh yeah, when I first uploaded I forgot my little note! This is also an update for everyone to understand what's going on. Surprise! My finals are here! So yeah, I most likely won't update until 2018. I know it's rough but I need to study! I hope that everyone's exams go well and if not I'm always here to talk! If you don't have exams or aren't in any form of school or university then I hope any big events that are happening go well! Merry Holidays everyone!


Nyx's POV

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

"I always wanted a child! And then I got a daughter? Even better!" Why is he touching me? A man I don't know has me in the tightest hug I've ever been in. I don't think it even counts as a hug. He's just holding me off the ground and has me held against his chest.

"Who are-"

"I can't believe this is actually happening! You even sorta look like me! Well, we could pass as cousins but still!" I'm gonna beat his ass for talking over me. I felt his squeeze tighter and sway side to side. I hear a clearing of a voice and the swaying stops.

"Alo, it's a pleasure to see you again." Layla greets him. I don't have to look at him to know how wide his smile. I can practically feel it. In fact I have to fight my own body from grinning.

"Hello to you too Layla!" He then let go with one arm and hugged her. Not as tight as me but a strong one regardless. However, lucky Layla was let go. Wow I'm jealous. "Thank you for your research!"

"W-well, I'm just doing my job." She answered shakingly. Alo then changed his attention back to me. I can't believe he's doing this. A muscular man that six feet and five inches tall is holding me up in the air out in front of him like one does with a cat. He smiled and his golden eyes lit up with joy and admiration. I turned my head to look at Ivah. She was just smiling at the interaction.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"You need to find out your angel's purpose and need to learn what you are exactly. I figured it would be nice to meet the angel you were made from and have him teach you." Please kill me. I looked back at Alo. His smile was so pure and innocent and just so excited to see me.

"So, Alo." I started and did my best to keep as calm as possible. "When do you want to start?" His face lit up again once more as he finally placed me down.

"You are so eager and I love it!" He then wiped his eye. He better not be crying. Tearing up I will accept but crying over this is classified as an overreaction. "We will start early tomorrow morning with the actual training. Tonight we are going to get to know each other like a father and daughter should!" I want to kill him, maybe myself, I have no idea. I'm not usually this extreme. This is just an overload.

"Great." I was able to get out through gritted teeth. This is going to be rough. I might punch him by the end of the day. I looked over at Layla who smiled encouragingly.

"However, I can see you that you must rest before we can have this bonding time. I'll come by later so we can bond over a meal! How's that sound?" Alo gave the brightest smile I've seen yet. He really is excited for this. He ruffled the top of my hair before patting my shoulder. Here I could actually get a good look at him. Everything was about him was warm. Alo's skin was toned and tanned. His light eyes bore into me with such happiness. I could feel my chest lighten at his happiness. It's almost like I can't control my own feelings. It makes me want to lash out.

"Sounds like a plan." I answered while fixing my hair. Ivah walked over and took both of his hands.

"I have some things I would like to run by you. Shall we go?" Alo grinned at Ivah and offered his arm which Ivah accepted by looping her arm around his.

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