Chapter 13 - Similar

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Layla's POV

Apparently, the battle is over. There is less tension in all the Valkyries, however, Ivah left. She came in to help me but left at some muffled screaming. I don't have time to care about that right now. My current patient, one of the youngest valkyries I've seen thus far, was biting her lip to contain herself. I know this is painful, well, I've never had my breast tissue sewn back together but since I have no painkillers I doubt it tickles. I hear the tent flap as someone was entering. I turned to see if it was another patient, sadly it's not. Cacia looked around until her eyes met mine.

"Hey Braxton," Not now, "I have a message from Ivah." She walked over and saw that I was covered in blood. She centered herself before taking a step back. "C-could we talk outside?" She asked plugging her nose. I sighed and looked to the medic who just helped transport a new patient to an unused cot.

"Anette? Are you and Siv capable of holding out to talk to my coworker? Council business." Anette simply nodded and came over taking the needle.

"Take the time you need, all of the serious injuries are taken care of." She answered. I nodded and looked at Cacia. She just looked around before leaving. I then went and cleaned the blood off of my skin. It was best to change clothes too, so I did. I then walked out and squinted at the setting sun.

"Over here." I turned to see Cacia keeping her distance from the tent.

"Still struggling with the temptations?" Cacia eyed me before rolling her eyes.

"Not all of us can be as resilient as you." She scoffed.

"You kept it under control enough to be in there for awhile. It's an improvement." I pointed out and offered a small smile. "It's ok to still struggle with the craving." As much as Cacia refuses to admit it, she's broken. She's the newest and youngest on the council and it shows sometimes when it comes to being in the presence of blood and her way of doing things.

"It's been ten years Layla. You'd think I'd be able to control it." She admitted, running a hand through her hair. I gently placed my hand on her shoulder, her protective walls were starting to come down.

"Cacia, you're a pure vampire. It's going to take a lot longer for you to adjust. Any of the others can tell you. It took Syren 15 years just for him to get comfortable with being in the same room with a drop of blood. You're making progress and quicker than the rest. Just have some patience." The younger girl shrugged my hand off.

"Are we here to talk about my problems or can I give you the news?" She snapped out. Well, her walls are back up, that's for sure. I nodded. "Your girl is being placed in the witches' village until the end of the trip." My heart dropped into my stomach.

"What? Why?!" I demanded.

"She got one of those creatures to talk to her and have a connection or something, according to Brenna it was a one sided conversation but all of us are calling it a mental break down. I haven't been a vampire long but even I know that no human can handle this shit." What the hell is even happening here?

"Is Nyx hurt? What do you mean by connection? What did the creature say to her? Please, I need to know." Cacia shrugged and looked around.

"Something about her blood being special." Fuck. I didn't think this would happen. "I don't think she's hurt but she definitely showed evidence of a mental breakdown with how she was acting. She didn't have that cocky tone, in fact, she sounded desperate for us to believe her." The blonde vampire then looked at me with a semi-concerned expression. "Are you ok? You're looking kinda pale. Well paler than usual."

"Y-yeah I'm ok. Thank you for telling me about Nyx. I just have to, you know, get back to work and finish up with my duties-"

"You know something I don't." Cacia cut me off and smirked. "You know I didn't think you had it in you to lie."

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