Hooded Female.

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    I decided to talk to Farrah of my suspicions of Andrew falling for Melissa. Similarly, she comforts me. Making sure that I know how much I mean to Andrew. Of course I know, I just am worried. 

    I decided to hang out with Andrew before class. Of course, Farrah and Aimee join me, as well as my friend Ana. And of course, Melissa is there. and a few other of Andrew's friends. 

    It isn't hard to keep my cool. I've been getting used to Melissa and Andrew being close, as long as I can trust Andrew. But I still get the sick feeling, when she slouches against Andrew's shoulder, like how I do. Or when she hugs him goodbye. I've asked Andrew about it, and he decides to keep the details at "Don't worry, me and Melissa are just good friends!" I hope it will stay that way.

    I could even see the look in Aimee's eye. If Melissa would even stand next to Andrew I would see Aimee gain a little bit of annoyance. She tend to gain a bit of hatred toward Melissa too, for she's just a great friend me like that. She'd probably scream and torture the living hell out of Melissa if she were the cause of a dramatic and sudden break-up between Andrew and I. But of course, that wouldn't happen. Right?

    On the other hand, Farrah almost lost it. She was always a little crazy coming to relationships. Well, crazy when it comes to other people's relationships. She's someone that creates fan-fics and fan art. Mainly, (or from what I've seen/heard.) of real people and friends, rather than from an anime or something. It's strange yet adorable how bright and joyful she is about it. In fact, ever since me and Andrew started dating, she's been a bit too crazy to handle. It's embarrassing in front of Andrew, but even he doesn't mind her strange ways. 

    Anyway, she loved the idea of me and Andrew so much, she 1) made a fan fiction of us. (cough cough.... THIS FANFIC) and 2) made a fan art shrine of us. (say the rumors, which I hope ARE NOT true.) But because she loved us together, she didn't want a thing to take us apart. If Melissa were standing by Andrew, she'd find SOME WAY to split them apart or make me stand with Andrew instead. I don't know how she does it, but somehow she manages to keep them away from each other as much as possible. I tend to see her glare at Melissa. Yet, I never noticed the way Melissa looked back. It was a scary look. they clearly hated each other. 

    Luckily, Today I was able to take Melissa's place next to Andrew. I was holding his hand, because Farrah told me to. She needed 'inspiration' for her fan fiction. But, I was kind of glad she dared me this. I felt loved, and cared about. Andrew held my hand tight, and let me lay my head on his shoulder. 


    I  heard some mumbling down the hallway after class. It wasn't really a mumble in a sort of shy, talking-to-yourself kind of way. In fact, There were two voices. Angry, nemesis-threatening voices. It seemed wrong, yet destined, for me to stand by and eavesdrop.

    "I know what --- ---- -ou are doing!" I could hear, yet very faintly. They were the voices of a couple of girls. "So what? I ---- car- ---- or how --- think of --. -  ---'t need your ---nion. And besides, An---w is going to be -i--." I knew that one voice was Melissa's. the other I wasn't sure of, but if I checked, I would be seen. "Don't yo- ----ing dare!"..... "----'s stoppi-- --?" Suddenly I hear the unknown voice scream. "FIGHT ME!!!!!!!"  as Melissa grunts, "Arghhh!!" 

    I hear the sound of banging on lockers and the frustrating screams. Suddenly, it goes silent.  I hear footsteps, and try to pretend I had just come out of the bathroom. I saw Melissa, speed-walking down the hallway. I take a peek around the corner to the hallway where the fight took place. I saw a hooded, female, disguised figure holding there nose with their sleeve and running away somewhere. They had been too far to run after, but even after I tried to call after them, I couldn't reach them. 

    I gave up, and walk back to catch my next class. I notice  dark red spots of what could've been ink or something on the ground. I take a closer look to see the droplets of blood lying on the tile. She must've gotten a bloody nose. Whoever 'she' is. 

We're Not Just FriendsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora