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      -Melanie's POV-
    I love my friends, they got so excited to here that Jesus and I were together. Too bad Farrah wasn't here to see it. That reminds me, I have to text her that we are together.
    - JESUS's POV - (yes, I'm doing this.)
    Dam Melanie's hot

Sorry but you don't know how hard I'm laughing rn for

     -Jesus's POV-
I let Farrah know that Melanie and I started dating. I mean, she asked and deserves to be the first to know, I guess. Hopefully I don't get on her bad side because she and Melanie clearly have something going on. It confuses me... they said they have some kind of... family? Not sure. It's confusing. She keeps saying I have to have her approval before I can do special things for her. She's probably joking though.
I don't want to move fast, but I really, really, REALLY like this girl. Especially after what happened at the Halloween party, I could see it in her tested up, sparkling eyes that she loved me. That made me the happiest I'd ever been.
Ever since that night Melanie and I have been so close, and it's great because I don't have to resist the urge to kiss her, before I would have been worried about going too fast.
Lately, Farrah and I have talked over instagram while she's on vacation, so I hope we're cool. I've learned she can get a little... crazy. Kind of weird, but whatever. Now that we are friends though, I always bother her and make her SO ANNOYED AND TRY TO TAKE HER PHONE AND SEE WHAT SHE IS WRITING.

    ...Anyway yeh I think Melanie cool and hawt af so like

oh wait
     Yeah her personality mhm she is super cool and chill and stuff so .....
yeah that's it from my POV

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