He's Hesitant

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Monday I explain to Jesus everything that happened. I almost cried just getting the words out. I asked if we could be together again, despite what my mom had said.
He said... he'd think about it?
I don't understand though. He loves me. I love him, and he's unsure about saying yes? I respect him, but it breaks my heart a bit.
I told just a couple people. One of them being Aimee. I couldn't tell many people first because I don't have a phone, so only some were the first to know. Oh, and I also got my makeup taken away too. I guess I'm going all natural to school.
Those who knew treated me gently. making sure I was okay, telling me everything is fine. I'm calm, but breaking inside. Farrah is the only one who didn't seem to notice right away. Then again, she's always in a jittery, crazy, positive mood. That's just her personality. I was good at not showing it, but I think the fact I wasn't wearing makeup gave away that something was wrong with me.
"What's wrong Momma?" Farrah asks. (Don't worry bout the fact I call her momma/mama. It's a friend-family thing."
"You didn't hear..?" Aimee slowly says to her.
Farrah looks at me with a slightly more calm, and worried expression. "Is everything okay..?" She asks, so
"Me and Jesus broke up..." I tell her, looking down at my thumbs on my lap. I begin to feel myself tear up again.
I tell her everything, successfully holding back the urge to break in tears, and she hugs me and makes me feel a bit happier. Just a bit, I'm still super depressed. Farrah does always have a happier atmosphere around her. Something about her morning makes her happy all the time. I wish I knew what.
     I'm really scared that Jesus will say no... but I don't understand why he would. It would be just like before. We were so happy. Why doesn't he want that again?
     Maybe... maybe he found someone new already? Am I not good enough? Is he bored of me? I don't understand!
    "Melanie!" my stupid math teacher screams in my ear. "While you were in 'la la land' we're learning math. I'd appreciate if you would listen so you understand later what to do."
    "Sorry." I say. As I look at the board and pretend I'm listening. Maybe I should listen, and get my mind off Jesus. I'm sure it's fine. Everything's fine and I should just let it go for now and listen to the math lesson.
    Actually, I never liked math anyway.

(Thanks for reading this chapter! I'm super excited because out of the whole story including season 1 this is the 24 chapter. 24 is my favorite number! :) Bye Bye!!!!)

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