What did he say?!

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After school, I ask Jesus if he came up with an answer for me yet.
"Jesus, did you get enough time to think of an answer to my question?" I ask anxiously. "Ask me tomorrow," he says. Tomorrow? TOMORROW? If he's going to tell me tomorrow, how will I get any sleep tonight? Dare this man show ANY mercy?
"Okay! See you tomorrow then." I reply, a bit of disappointment in my tone.
Needless to say, I'm not happy. Yes, I am will to wait for him. Although, it would've been nice and convienent and a WHOLE LOT BETTER to get an answer now. I don't want to wonder anymore. Also, the fact that he still need to think whether to say "yes" or "no" makes me think he's going to say "no", and just needs time to think of how to break it to me. Dear god, please tell me he isn't saying no. I'd cry for a thousand years. A thousand rivers, heck, a million oceans.
Then again, I suppose I want him to be happy.

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