Chapter 18: Top Roping

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Thanks for the cover itsFati I love it! ❤

OH MY GOD WHAT?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT IVE NEVER BEEN TO A LANTERN FESTIVAL. Shit shit shit shit shit. Why didn’t you tell me this before? I had to go there! It’s up on my bucket list!

"There, can you see that?" Mr. Lee pointed at the rock formation behind us as we all turned around to face it.

"Yes, sir." We called out in unison as he continued about today's task.

"You're going to climb it." He said, simply.

What the..

Did he..

Did he actually just..?


Yeah, you'd think I would get scared but who isn't up for adventures like these?!

"Oh my God. I can't do it, its so high." Amanda tensed up, hearing just this one sentence from Mr. Lee.

"Its going to be hella fun. Who isn't up for stuff like this?" James answered her, who was standing at my right.

Didn't I just think the same?!

"All you have to do is top roping. It's known as the safest type of rock climbing."

"There will be an anchor and a belayer. The belayer will be at the summit and he or she will be controlling the anchor from falling. The anchor will start to climb using the feet and hands with a bouldering pad and the belayer will keep them in place. " Mrs. Consuela finished.

"Any questions?" She asked further.

"Its going to be so fun!" I jumped in excitement turning back totally ignoring Mrs. Consuela's question.

James looked at me with an amused expression like he hadn't seen me so excited before and it was true by all means. Heat rushed to my cheeks.

"Where's Melanie?" I asked suddenly realising that she wasn't present here. To think, so wasn't Conan. So wasn't Debbie..

"Do you really wanna know?" Courtney asked.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked confusingly.

"Well, you don't seem very keen to the fact that she's mad at you." She stated in a matter of factly way.

"Again, what?" I drew my eyebrows closer.

I could see James from my peripheral vision, taking in all of the conversation. He was the type of guy who stayed quiet, noticing everything. He was doing the same now.

"I get that you're mad at her too, but don't you think you went far across the line when you said that thing?" She said.

Of course Melanie would have taken out her anger on Courtney, which is why she knows what i said.

"Of course I'm mad you dummy, but I'm guilty too. I realise that big time. And i want to repent it, but i cant do it when so much is going on."

"How are you coping not talking to her?"

"I'm surviving."

“You know, you can always win someone back.” James concluded.

I looked at him making a poker face.

He chuckled. “Go tell her what she means to you. Its not even possible that you guys just fight and never talk again-”

“Of course we’ll talk again, silly.” I interrupted him.

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