Chapter Two

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I walked out of the school, just wanting to get home as soon as possible. "Raina! Wait up!" Two familiar voices called to me. I smiled for the first time today. "Charlotte! Garroth! Hey what's up guys?" I said. You all have met Charlotte. Meet Garroth. Garroth has been my best friend since 4th grade. He has blonde hair and light blue eyes. He is a total class clown, and can make anybody laugh. "Rainy!" Garroth yelled. 'Rainy' was Garroth's nickname for me. He says its because, and I quote "I like rain. Also, you never smile. You always act gloomy. Like rain." I laughed. "Gar Gar!" I hugged him. "Hey, only my mummy can call me that!" He defended. "Garroth. Grow up. You are 13. Not 5." Charlotte said, chuckling. We sat in the park and talked for a while. It was anything but boring, with Garroth cracking jokes to make me laugh.

-Unknown POV-

I watched as the girl, Raina, sat down with her friends. She seemed so innocent. Almost like she didn't know her own secret. "Are you sure this is the right girl? She doesn't seem like the type." I whispered. "Of course its her! She looks exactly like the girl in my pictures. Open your eyes!" said Scar. I nodded. "She should be easy to get back to the house. She does not seem like the fighting type." I stood up. "Mal, distract those other two. They are useless to us. Scar, get the van. I am going to get her." I waited by our hiding spot, watching Mal as she, being the computer genius she is, hack into the two other kids' phones to make it seem like they were being called home. They waved to Raina, walking away. Perfect. Target acquired. Raina, welcome to our team.

-Raina's POV-

I sat and talked to Garroth and Charlotte for a while, before they were called home. Oh well, time to walk home myself. Although, before I could walk anywhere, I was grabbed and pulled behind a bush. "AH KIDNAP HELP!" I shouted. Of course. The park was empty. Well, I may die today. Whoever had grabbed me was strong. But I tried my hardest to get away, kicking them with all my might. I was just about to escape, when I was chloroformed. Yep, I am definitely going to die today.

  I woke up, to my surprise, in a nice bedroom. I was not tied up or anything. I rushed to the door and tried to open it. Just my luck, it was locked. I sighed. I looked around the room I was in. It was really nice actually. The walls were painted light grey, and there was a large queen size bed in the corner of the room. There was a red comforter on the bed with some fluffy, white pillows. I was admiring the room, when the door swung open. I turned around, and saw three girls. "Welcome home, Raina." The first girl spoke. She had very dark brown hair, brown eyes and....horns?! "Hahaha ok horns? Really? Girl, you missed Halloween that was like 4 months ago." I said, laughing at my own joke. The girl glared at me. "FYI, my name is Ruby. I am half demon. And I am now your leader, so respect." The girl, Ruby, said. "You cannot be serious." I said. Next was a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a wolf tail?! And wolf ears?! "My name is Scar, I am part wolf. I can basically morph into a wolf whenever I please." 'Scar' said. What is with these weirdos?! I glanced at the next girl, who had long bright red hair. "My name is Mal. My full name is Maleficent.." she said. "LIKE THE MOVIE?!" I screamed. "Mal" glared at me. "PEOPLE STOP COMPARING ME TO THE MOVIE. NO. I AM MAL. NOT MALEFICENT. SHUT UP ABOUT THE MOVIE!" She screeched, rattling the paintings on the walls. "Friendly note; do NOT get on Mal's bad side. No matter what." Ruby whispered to me. I nodded. "Ok so why am I here?" I asked. "You all seem to be some mythical creature type thing, so what do I have to do with anything?" Ruby looked over at me. "Ok so there is no easy way to break this to are a vampire." I stared at her. "Uh, say what now?" Scar took over. "Raina, where is your father?" I tensed up. "He died in a car wreck before I was born." Scar shook her head. "Nope. You see Raina, shortly after your dear parents found out you would be born, they found out they were vampires. They could not be seen in the overworld, because vampires are supposedly just a myth, they could be taken to labs to be tested on. So your parents both went to the vampire world. When you were born, all they could do was drop you off at a stranger, also known as your current "mothers" house, and hope for the best. The vampire world is not a safe place, at least not for youngsters. Most vampires do not find out they are, well, vampires until they are 13 years old." I gasped, taking in this information. My parents are alive, my mom is not my mom, I am a vampire. Wow, talk about a crazy day. All of a sudden, my mouth and eyes started to burn. "Ow what the!" I yelled. "Its happening." Ruby said. I rushed to the mirror and stood there, shocked. My once dull green eyes were now ruby red, and I had fangs. My face looked much paler. I stared at myself in the mirror. Raina the vampire.

LIKE I SAID BEFORE. In. Love. With. This. Book. WOOHOOOO. Probably gonna be a long chapter book, so I hope I dont bore yall to death. Lemme know what you guys think!
Fun fact: Raina means Queen! (Fact given by Scar herself)

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