Chapter Eight

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before I begin.. everybody please go give _dreamer_of_dreams_ a bunch of love she got into an accident (wont go into detail for her privacy.. also i dunno what happened exactly but Mal told me) but please go give her a lot of love please and now.. ONWARD. TO THE CHAPTER!

-Nico's POV-

The date went amazing! Even better than I thought it would. Raina and I were walking out of the movie theater, discussing the movie. She was a lot of fun to be around. I never got to talk to her much at school, because she never talked to anybody. "Oh, hold up." Raina said, looking down at her phone. I stopped walking and waited patiently. I heard her muttering things about "an enemy". Weird. Raina looked up from her phone and looked around. She was clearly looking for somebody. "Who you looking f--" I was interrupted as Raina started walking away from me. Now that was weird. I saw her walk over to a tall man with red hair. She started screaming at him about somebody named "Mal". But, what she did next sent me into pure panic. She pulled out a gun. She started screaming at the man once more. I tried yelling at her to drop the gun, but I was too in shock. The words wouldn't come out. Right when I was sure she was going to shoot the guy, she kicked him. He screamed out in pain and tripped. She continued to kick and punch him. She then sent one more hard punch to the face, leaving the guy passed out. She quickly pulled out handcuffs and cuffed him. She pulled out her phone and called somebody. She casually walked over to me. "What was that?!" I yelled. I didn't know whether to be impressed, mad she never told me, scared, or proud. She then explained to me how she was "recruited" by a gang of SuperNaturals that protected everybody. As we walked over to the parking lot, I realized something. "Why didn't he fight back?" I asked curiously. Raina shrugged. "He's a wimp. He's not used to people fighting back. He has been fighting people his whole life nearly. He was just shocked that he was getting his butt kicked by a "little girl" like me." She said, falling over laughing. All of a sudden, a black car pulled into the parking lot. The three girls from Raina's house pulled up. "Good job, Raina! Not a scratch on you either, I trained you well!" A girl with fiery red hair said. "Thanks Mal! Honestly, I was just in a rage after I found put what he did to you, I didn't even think about it. I just swung." A blonde girl was carrying the man that Raina had just beaten to a pulp and put him in the trunk. "We have to take him to our house to question him, to make sure he isn't connected to anybody that could also be a potential threat." The girl explained to me. I nodded quickly, deciding not to question any further. Finally, a girl with brunette hair walked up to me. I got a very different vibe from her. She was confident, and looked very stern and strict. "Listen..Nico. This, was not supposed to happen. You have seen too much. Although we do this job to protect society, we are currently the most wanted gang in the region. You have a choice. Either you can join our gang, and leave everything you know behind, or we can just kill you.." She said. I didn't even have to think about that. I was scared beyond belief when Raina was pointing that gun at that man, never mind me! "I'm in, I will join." I said. Everyone started cheering. Raina glanced at me and smiled, letting me know I had chosen correctly. We all piled into the car, and started back to the house. All of a sudden, a song came on the radio. "I'm an angel with a shotgun, fighting till the war's won, I don't care if heaven won't take me back. I'll throw away everything just to keep you safe, don't you know you're everything I have?" I turned around in my seat, and realized it wasn't the radio playing. It was Raina. I smiled at her. She smiled back and continued singing. "I'd throw away everything just to keep you safe, don't you know you're everything I have?" I smiled. Raina Violet, was my angel with a shotgun.

AW DONT YOU LOVE THE SHIP?! I love this chapter, even though its a little bit all over the place.. oh well. Anyways see y'all laterr

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