Chapter Eighteen

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-Nova's POV-
Ha! They actually believe I am Morgan's sister! Yeah, you heard me. We are in no way related. Ex best friends, we are. You must be confused. Let's take it back to when it all started
"Nova!" Yelled my best friend, Morgan, racing over to me. "Morgan! What's up?" I shouted. Morgan smiled. "Guess what? I totally just found out that my mom is the queen of the fairy world! I am the princess! Is that amazing or what?!" She shouted, jumping up and down joyfully. I sighed. Morgan, well, she was your typical princess. Fancy clothing, lives in a castle, servants, and got everything she could ever want, in the blink of an eye. I, however, was quite the opposite. We were very poor, me and my mum. My dad left when I was 3 years old, and its been just the two of us since. My mum worked all day just to get that nights dinner on the table. Morgan only was friends with me because her mum pitied me and my mum, and made her play with me. She just liked boasting about everything she had that I didn't. "I wanna be a princess." I said, dreamily. Oh, what I would give to be her for one day. Morgan scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Whatever. You will never be a princess. Poor people like you don't get fairytale stories." I glared at her. "Well, maybe I want the spotlight instead of you, Morgan. I wanna be a princess!" I yelled, furious. "Nah, sweetheart. Not gonna happen, sorry. Oh wait, I'm not sorry." Morgan sneered, laughing. I stomped my foot. "This friendship is OVER! I will get my chance at the spotlight, just watch me! Mark my words!" I screamed, running away. I will get my spotlight. I let her push me around for so long. She has no idea what I am capable of..
Yeah so basically, I am an evil genius. More so than Morgan. The only thing we have in common, is we hate Raina. Yeah, long story for another day. But we both hate her with a passion. And the only way to get to Raina, is to get to her friends. They all think I'm some cute and innocent little British girl. Well, they are sorely mistaken. Raina Violet, I will get to you. And trust me. When I get to you, it won't be pretty...

Aw snap. Yeah umm she evil. Ok. All I gotta say. Sorry for the short chapter runnin low on ideas K BAI

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