Chapter Four

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"Zane is my bully. Was my bully." I stated. They looked at me, obviously not believing me. "He has been tormenting me for years!" I said. Ruby spoke up. "So you are saying that all of these characters we know from a series, are your friends, or in Zane's case, bullies." I nodded. I told them all stories of my friends, and a bit about Zane. "Why does he hate you? Surely nobody can hate you for no reason." Mal asked. I sighed. "We dated. For a whole year, we were in this perfect relationship. But then, things started to change. I realized I don't have feelings for him anymore. I had feelings for someone else. When he realized this, he would ditch me on a regular basis to go with other girls." I bit my lip, trying not to cry. "He did this for months. When I finally came to my senses and found out, I dumped him. He was not used to having girls walk away from him, and he did not like not having power over me. So he gained power over me in a new way. The next day, there were rumors that I had cheated on him with 2 different guys. The names people would call me, were terrible. He was the player, not me." I finished, watching the three girls. They looked horrified. "Wow, Zane a player? I never thought." Scar said. I nodded. We talked about it for a while, before Mal stood up. "Come on, we have a mission." We all followed her outside. The house had no windows, so I had no idea where I was. Outside the house was gloomy. It was dark and cloudy. The house was on the top of a mountain, with a dark forest surrounding it. It was quite menacing. Oh well, I can get used to it. As I stood on the edge of the mountain, Mal shoved me. I lost my balance and fell. "AHHH!" I screeched in terror. All of a sudden, I started floating. I had wings?! "We forgot to mention, your mom was a fairy and your dad was a vampire. So technically you are both!" Ruby yelled. I ran inside and looked at my reflection. I was wearing a stunning white dress that came down to about my knees. It had gold details all over it. Also, I had giant, pale yellow wings! 'How did I never notice this?!' I mentally screamed at myself. I looked in the mirror once again. Yes, I still had fangs and ruby red eyes, but I also looked like a fairy. I also had a gold necklace around my neck. In the middle of the necklace, was a large, royal purple colored stone. It was beautiful. Scar came up behind me, and appeared to be hiding something behind her back. She handed me a crown. I stared at her, confused. "Raina, what does your name mean?" Scar asked me. I thought about it. "Well, I have been told it means Queen, but-- OH MY GOD I'M A QUEEN?!" I shouted, finally getting it. Scar nodded, smiling widely as she handed me the gold crown. The crown, like the necklace, had a giant purple gem in the middle. It was beautiful. "Queen Raina.." I whispered, putting on the crown. I could not stop smiling. Who new my entire life would change into a fairytale within 48 hours?! 'Queen Raina..' Yep, I can get used to that..
DUDES. PEOPLE. YO. PLOT TWIST AM I RIGHT?! So I read TiaSpicerK and _dreamer_of_dreams_ books (aka Ruby and Scar) and both books Raina was portrayed as a fairy queen-like character. Which honestly I think fits her character much better. So yeah sorry I kind of  changed it last minute oops!😂 by the way shoutouts to:
TiaSpicerK (Ruby)
_dreamer_of_dreams_ (Scar)
_Maleficent_Echo_ (Mal)

GO READ THEIR BOOKS, they are amazing!

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