Chapter Six

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As we were going over the plan, I was pulled aside by Garroth. "Raina, I need to tell you something.." he started. I nodded, telling him to go on. "I have liked you ever since the day we met. You are the most beautiful, intelligent, funniest girl I have ever met. I am absolutely head over heels in love with you. I guess what I am trying to say is...will you be my girlfriend?" (Cue Scar plotting my death in 3....2.....1...) I stood there, speechless. Sure, he did just confess his love for me a few minutes ago, but that was when he thought I was "Rae". It seems so much more real. I looked over at Ruby and Scar, who were talking about our plan. Mal was talking to Lady Aphmau. I sighed. "I can't." I said. "Garroth, I am so sorry...I can't, I could lose one of my best friends.." and with that, I walked away. I wanted so badly to walk over to him and apologize, and to say yes. But it would break Scar's heart. She and Ruby are the closest things I have to a best friend. And of course Mal. I couldn't do it.

-Scar's POV-

"So, what do you think Raina?" I asked, turning around to face her. But Raina wasn't there. I looked over and saw her standing there, talking to Garroth. I frowned. I knew Garroth had feelings for Raina. I could tell the second he saw us. I shouldn't get mad that one of my best friends had found love. But I could not help feeling jealous. As I glanced over again, I saw Raina turning around and walking away, looking very upset. I looked at Garroth and couldn't even bear to see him anymore. He looked like he was about to cry, and also angry. Raina walked over to me. "I just broke my best friends heart for you, Scarroth better become a thing or I will hurt you." Raina joked, but I could hear the pain in her voice. "I am going home. Good luck on your mission." And with that, her pale yellow wings opened up and she flew away. "Ruby.." I whispered, watching my now torn apart best friend fly away. Ruby turned around. "What's wrong Scar?" She asked. "Garroth is in love with Raina.." I said. "So, that's great!" Ruby said. I shook my head viciously. "No Ruby. Its not. He confessed his love for her. She rejected him because she knew I loved him. They are both torn." I cried. I just ruined my new best friends friendship with her old best friend. Ruby looked shocked. "Oh my god.." she said. I nodded. I started walking over to Garroth. I made a promise to Raina. I was determined to keep it. "H-hey Garroth." I said nervously. Garroth smiled. "Hey Scar.." I smiled sadly. "Garroth. This was all my fault. I am in love with you. Raina knew that. That would be why she rejected you. I can tell she would have said yes if she didn't know about it. I made a promise to Raina.. Garroth, will you go out with me?" Garroth looked surprised. "Raina will always be number one in my heart. But if she wants me to move on without her, I will. Anything for her. So yes, Scar I would love to." I smiled. I had not been this happy in so long. I raced over to Ruby, smiling ear to ear. "HE SAID YES!" Ruby shouted, before I said a word. I nodded super fast and jumped up and down. Then, I remembered something. I ran over to Garroth. "Garroth, Raina told me she broke up with Zane because she was in love with someone else. Do you know who?" Garroth nodded, hurt evident on his face. "A kid named Nico. He is like Zane. He is in the popular crowd, and everyone loves him. Only difference between the two is that Nico is super kind to everybody. I told Raina she should dump Zane and go to him. But she said no, because she would look like a fool if he rejected her after she left her boyfriend for him. Raina only sees me as a friend. I will never compare to that Nico kid." I nodded. "Thank you so much. Trust me, we are doing this for Raina. She needs to see that you will be okay without her, and she will be okay as well." I started back to the car. "Thanks Gar!" I yelled. As soon as we got home, I ran to the computer lab. I started typing in all the information I knew about this Nico kid. Soon, his profile popped up. I quickly PMed him to come to our house immediately and sent the address. I told him we needed him to take Raina out. But of course, I didn't tell him it was Raina. Phase One of get Raina on a date with Nico, done. Phase Two, commence.

-Raina's POV-

As soon as I got to the house, I darted up the stairs and locked myself in my room. I collapsed on my bed and cried. Why, oh why, does love have to be so difficult?
  Two hours later, I was still locked in my room, crying. I heard the front door open, and feet running. Scar, Mal and Ruby were home. I heard a knock on my door. Groaning, I rolled out of my bed and walked over to the door and opened it. Ruby and Mal were there. "Raina, so we heard what happened and we decided, what if we go out tonight? Go to dinner, watch a movie, whatever you want." Mal said. I nodded, smiling weakly. That was not a bad idea. Ruby busted in and looked through my wardrobe. She tossed me a light grey sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans. I put them on and looked in the mirror. The outfit looked great. Although, my face not so much. I had make up smeared all over my face, and my hair looked like a mess. I walked out, and saw Mal and Ruby sitting there, with just about every hair and make up product you could think of. They shoved me into a chair and got to work. After about an hour, I had a full face of make up, and my brown and blonde hair was in a braid. Just as I was about to ask why they were putting so much effort into my looks, the doorbell rang. "He's here!" Ruy screamed, squealing in delight. He? Who is he? I heard Scar open the front door. "Nico! I am so glad you came on such short notice, come in! Your date will be right down." No. No. No, no, no, no, NO! Nico was in my house. The girls must have planned something when I left MyStreet today. I shot Ruby and Mal a death glare. "Curse you guys." I said. They just laughed. "Come on Raina, your hot date is here!" They said. I turned bright red. I was so nervous. "I can't do it." I said. "What if I say the wrong thing, what if he doesn't like me, what if he thinks I look bad?" I rambled. Ruby just pushed me towards the stairs. "Go. It will be fine." As I walked down the stairs, I swore I could hear her whisper, "Wow, this girl has it bad.." I turned the corner into the living room. Nico turned around and saw me. He looked shocked, to say the least. I smiled nervously. "H-hey Nico." I said.

-Nico's POV-

I arrived at the address I was given by that anonymous person. I wondered why I even agreed to this. I walked inside and was greeted by a blonde girl with blue eyes. "Come in!" She said, leading me to the living room. I sat down and waited. Five minutes passed and I heard footsteps coming downstairs. I turned around and saw...Raina? She looked gorgeous. I was  instantly blown away. She looked..angelic almost. (Me: boi you have no idea XD) "H-hey Nico." She said. All of a sudden, I felt nervous. What? I never get nervous. Ever. "Raina?" I asked. She nodded. I smiled. "You look amazing." I said. I was at a loss for words. Was it possible? The most popular guy at school, falling for the quietest, most un noticed girl at school? Nah, that only happens in books and movies..this cannot be real. But it was. It hit me. I had fallen for Raina Violet.

WOOOOO LONG CHAPTER! Guys ok so I made a mistake. Long story short, basically Ruby's name used to be Kirina and she was a dark angel. Then she changed it to Ruby the half demon. So I got them mixed up last chapter oops😂 anyways I love this chapter, I am sure two people by the names of Ruby and Scar will too😂❤
-Raina/ Rae

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