Chapter Eleven

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-Ruby's POV-
"So, what do you girls wanna do?" Raina asked, as we sat outside the house. I opened my mouth to answer, but Scar cut me off. "Hunters." Was all she said. "My wolf senses tell me they are near. We have to run. They will surely find us here. We live in a giant mansion in the middle of the woods, its too obvious." We all jumped to our feet. "You are leaving.." Nico said sadly. Raina hugged him. "I am so sorry. You cannot come with us. Its much too dangerous. We can't risk anything." She said urgently. Nico nodded, understanding. Next Garroth came up and hugged Scar. I was sad to see them separate. They were truly the cutest couple. "Scarroth forever?" Scar asked. Garroth nodded sadly. "Scarroth forever." He repeated. They both smiled sadly at each other, as Scar backed away slowly. "Ready?" I asked. They all nodded. Taking one last look at our home, we began our journey through the dark woods that surrounded us. Where would it take us? Nobody knew.

-time skip-

We have been traveling for a week now. It was like this forest had no end. Mal and I walked side by side, with Scar trotting along in front of us, and Raina flying above us. Suddenly, as we were just walking along, Scar stopped us. "Listen." She said urgently. "A wolf, a vampire, a demon, and a fairy?" I heard a male voice ask. Hunters. "Yes! I saw them with my own two eyes! About 2 days ago!" Said another voice. I gasped. We had been spotted by hunters. And they were close. I looked over and saw human Scar morphing into her wolf form. Uh oh. She only did that when she knew we had to fight. We decided to keep walking. Just when we were sure we had lost the hunters, I heard a voice. "There! See, I told you I saw them!" We all turned around, and saw them. Two human hunters, with swords and knives. Oh, how great. "Well, look what we have here.. an angel, a demon, a wolf, and a vampire.." said one of the men. "Thank you, Captain Obvious! Would somebody give this man an award?!" Raina yelled, sarcastically. "Raina, hush." I hissed at her. "Tinker bell, shut up so we can kill you all." Sneered the second man. "You will not kill them! Not if I can help it!" called a small voice. I turned around and saw a girl and boy standing behind us. The girl had wavy turquoise hair and sky blue eyes. The boy had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. "I am giving you two dudes 5 seconds before I start swingin'." The boy screamed, pulling out a sword of his own. "5..4..321!" He rushed the last part, obviously wanting to fight these hunters. He ran at the hunters, sword drawn. "Send backup!" One hunter yelled into his phone, trying to dodge the boy. We all ran in, screaming and fighting the hunters. They just kept on coming, since they called backup. We still outnumbered them, almost taking them all out. We all ran at the last hunter, wanting to end this once and for all. Just moments before the boy plunged his sword into the hunters heart, the hunter threw his sword. Right at Raina. "AH!" She screeched, as the sword hit her in the side. She fell to the ground, too weak to fly. "Raina!" We all shouted, running to her. She laid on the ground, her once white gown now turned red with blood. "Raina..don't leave us. Please. We need you. I need you." I sobbed. Even the mysterious boy and girl who helped us were crying. "I am so sorry. I should have killed him sooner, it wouldn't have happened." The boy said sadly, tears leaving his eyes. "Don't blame yourself...uhh who are you?" Mal asked. The boy smiled sadly, tears covering his face. "I'm LD. Nice to meet you dudes." He said. The girl looked up shyly. "I am Fox." She squeaked. She was obviously not a talker. I saw Scar change back to her human form. She rested her hand on Raina's heart. "I-is she d-dead?" I stuttered. Scar shook her head. "Not yet. Her heartbeat is faint. It isn't safe here for her. We need to relocate.." Scar informed us. I nodded. I picked up Raina's unconscious body and started walking. I was going to fight for Raina's life, even if I had to sacrifice my own. I had already lost my parents. I was not going to lose the girl I considered to be my sister. I knew Scar and Mal would say the same thing. We were family. And family is forever. Family doesn't just give up on each other.
We walked for only a few miles. We were all too upset to carry on. LD had insisted they join our journey, to make sure Raina was alright. We set up camp for the night and went to sleep. Although, nobody really slept. We missed our friend. In the middle of the night, as I was sleeping, I heard a soft voice nearby. I sat up quietly and saw Scar sitting over an unconscious Raina. She was crying. "Rai, Rai wake up. I need you. Please Rai..please." Scar begged. I started crying. Over the past few months, Scar and Raina had formed a special bond. They did everything together. I could only imagine how hard Scar is taking this. "Mal said you are in a coma, Rai. I learned that people in comas can still hear you if you talk to them. Can you hear me, Rai?" Of course, no answer. "Raina Violet, wake up." I said, walking over to where Scar was, and crouched down. "Raina, we can't lose you. Please, wake up sweetie. Please." I said. Mal walked over, hearing us talking. "Hi Rai, its me, Mal. I'm the one who starting calling you Rai, remember? You know, we have been through a lot together. When I taught you how to fight, when we found out you were an angel vampire thing, and when I helped you get ready for your first date. You hated us so much that day.." We all chuckled, remembering that day, like it was yesterday. Much to our surprise, LD walked over. "Hey, Raina dude. My name is LD. You don't know me yet, because you kinda went unconscious before I could introduce myself. Look, these girls care about you so much. You cannot leave them. Please don't. You gotta stay with us so you can teach me how to fly. Jumping off a tree branch and falling on my face is getting old.." he said, joking a little to lighten the mood. Next, Fox came over. "Hello, Raina. My name is Fox. I am LD's girlfriend. Your friends told me amazing things about you. Maybe you should wake up, so we can be friends.." She said, smiling. Raina still never woke up. "Is she going to make it?" Mal asked. I dreaded that question. The truth was, nobody knew. Whether our sister, our friend, and our family, would live or die was unknown. And that scared us. "I dunno, Mal." I said in a whisper. Oh Raina, wake up..

I lowkey cried writing this. Like for real. So I knew I wanted something like this to happen in this book. I just didn't know who it would happen to. I didn't have the heart to try and kill off one of my best friends, so that leaves Raina (me). I don't have much else to say. Imma go recover from that traumatic chapter. So peace out homies

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