Chapter Fifteen

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-Morgan's POV- (ohh snap)

I stood in the forest with Nico. He came to me, clearly upset. Why, you may ask. Well..I may or may not have given his b*tch of a girlfriend Raina, a memory loss potion so she would forget about their relationship and I could have him for myself..did I ever mention I was a witch? No? Oh, that would explain a whole lot. You are probably wondering, why is a witch like me the queen of the angel world? I quite honestly never understood it myself, but I mean, I am in the center of attention at all times. So, who am I to argue? "She doesn't remember me." Nico said, tears falling down his face. I nodded, fake sympathy on my face. "She isn't worth it. If she can't remember you, she obviously never cared." I said. Nico smiled, nodding slightly. "I guess you are right." He said. "I REMEMBER! NICO!" Speak of the devil...frick, she remembers him?! The potion was supposed to last a week! Curse this. I grabbed Nico, pulling him closer to me. I quickly kissed him, as I heard Raina coming closer. I heard her screaming at Nico. I was not exactly listening, I just liked watching Raina break down. Serves her right for trying to steal Nico from me. I felt Nico slap me, and run off. Wait, he was mad? I watched in awe as he ran after Raina. I guess it was time for drastic measures. "Send the army." I said into my walkie talkie. I watched as all of Raina's friends came running at me, swords drawn. I looked around, spotting Raina creeping through the forest. I saw her climb up a tree. Coward.. "COWABUNGA!" I heard a small voice screech. I saw Raina swing towards me on a vine, kicking two of my men in the face. She kept fighting them. She was distracted. "Grab the redhead." I simply ordered my men, stepping back. They ran at the girl, grabbing her quickly. They pulled out guns, pointing them at her, shutting her up. "MAL!" Raina yelled, quickly realizing Mal was in trouble. I chuckled. "One more step, and your little pal dies." Raina froze. I smiled, walking towards the portal. I heard Raina scream something at her, but I was too far to hear. I tried erasing her memory to get Nico to come to me, but that failed. He would surely come to me to save his friends, wouldn't he?
  After we entered the castle, I threw Mal in the dungeon in the basement. "So...Mel." I said, saying her name wrong on purpose. "My name is Mal, but that's Maleficent to you, you piece of trash." She spat. I smirked. "I can kill you, and all of your friends, in an instant. I would shut the h*ll up if I were you." I shouted back. She quieted down immediately. I smiled. "Good girl. Now, if you know what's good for you, you will tell me everything you know about your friend. Raina." Mal glared at me. "And of all people, why would I tell you?" She yelled. I shrugged. "Because I can kill you and all your friends if you don't?" I suggested. Mal sighed. "One of my friends is Nico. You would never kill him. And if you killed Raina, he would just hate you even more, and never come to you. Admit it. I have one of your weaknesses on my side. Nico is your weakness." She tried to reason with me. I didn't respond. I just walked away, going upstairs. "Bring me Raina. And all of her little friends. By tomorrow." I yelled at my bodyguards. Oh, now this is going to be fun...

Readers: you wrote this YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF
HUSH PEOPLE IDC I STILL HATE HER. Mkay bai I just wanted to express my hatred for Morgan

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