Chapter Fourteen

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-Raina's POV-
"So, you remember all of us now?" Asked Scar. I nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! You are Scar, LD, Kitty, Fox, Ruby, Mal, and DJ went to kill Morgan the girl who kidnapped me." I said, confidently. "What about me?" Asked a boy who was sitting next to me. I shrugged. "Sorry, have we met?" I asked. He looked at me, shocked. "It's me, Nico. Your boyfriend." He stated calmly. I shook my head. "Nope, I don't know you, sorry." I apologized. He seemed upset. I can't imagine why. I don't know him! "Does she remember?!" DJ yelled, running out of the portal. Nico stood up. "Yep! Everybody. Except for me." He said, running away into the forest. Well, that isn't good..the forest is dangerous. "I have to go after him." I stated, running off in the direction he went. As I went, I tried desperately to remember him. I just could not think of anything. I sat down, feeling defeated. Suddenly, I remembered something. "RAINA LIKES YOU!" Scar. Scar said that before my first date. With..Nico. I remembered. "I REMEMBER!" I scream. I ran as fast as I could in the direction Nico went. I stopped quickly, as I heard voices. "You don't need her. She must be a complete moron for forgetting you." I heard a girl say. "Yeah, I suppose." Said a very familiar voice. Nico. I ran faster. "NICO! I REMEM--" I cut my sentence short, as I turned a corner and saw Nico, with another girl. Tears came to my eyes. "I'm your girlfriend, huh?!" I screamed, anger evident in my voice. "I have to remember you, huh?! Well, apparently I am not that important to you if the second I can't remember our relationship, you go off with some ugly, no good chick!" Tears were now streaming down my face. "I hope you are happy! Because there is one thing I will always remember, Nico. And that's I have always wanted you to be happy! Whether we are together or not. If you are happy with this disgrace of a human being, so be it. Just keep me out of it! Don't bother coming back to camp." I finished my speech, turning on my heel and running off, crying my eyes out. "Raina, what happened?! Where is Nico?!" Yelled Scar, clearly worried. I dropped to the ground. "H-he was k-kissing Morgan.." I managed to get out. Nobody said a word. I sat up. "Really? Not even a "I'm sorry" you guys?" I said, annoyed. Nobody was there. Except for DJ and Fox. "Where did everyone go, and why did they leave you two here?" I asked. "They all went to get Nico and knock some sense into him. Mal forced me to stay here, and Fox isn't a fighter." DJ explained, sitting in the grass next to me. I nodded. "I hope they go give that no-good idiot a piece of my friking mind." I shouted. DJ sighed. "Rai, it wasn't his fault. Morgan kissed him. It was 100% her fault. Nico feels awful. He loves you. And only you." I froze. "It wasn't his fault?" I confirmed. DJ shook his head. "Nope." I leaped to my feet. "I gotta go." I said, fleeing the camp. I ran towards where everybody was. "Guys!" I yelled. I was just about to reach them when I stopped dead in my tracks. "Oh shiz, not again.." I muttered, creeping towards my friends. They were being attacked. By hunters. Again. I grabbed a rock from the ground and hurled it at the nearest hunter. He fell to the ground immediately. I climbed up the nearest tree and grabbed a vine at the top. "COWABUNGA!" I screeched, swinging toward the hunters on the vine. As I swung by, I kicked them in the face. They all fell to the ground, screaming in pain. "DON'T F*CK WITH MY FRIENDS!" I screeched at them, doing a backflip off the vine and landing elegantly on my feet. I turned around, making sure everybody was alright. Everybody seemed to be there...except for.."MALEFICENT!" Ruby shouted. I whipped around, and saw the hunter I had thrown the rock at, dragging Mal away. He had a gun pointed at her head. "One more step, and your little pal dies." He threatened. I froze, tears streaming down my face. "Mal, I will save you. I swear on my life. Stay strong." I yelled after her, as she slowly went out of my sight. I looked at Ruby and Scar. They were both crying. I honestly wanted to do the same. But I had to stay strong. For Mal. "Guys, would Mal want us to sit here and cry for her, or get up, wipe our tears, and go  do something about this?" I asked, trying to stay positive. "Let's go do something about this.." Ruby said, wiping her tears. "Wait, look here!" Scar said, racing over to a boulder. There, sitting neatly on the boulder, was the bracelet that Mal wore everyday. The one I got her when I first came to the Supernaturals. But why did she leave it? Was this a sign? So many questions raced through my mind. By the look on Scar and Ruby's faces, I could tell they were thinking the same thing. I guess only time could tell..

Hehe sorry Mal.. or am I? 😈 anyways, speaking of Mal..HER BOOK IS RANKED #297 IN ADVENTURE. NO LIE. THATS LIKE HUGE. TO EVEN BE ON THE LIST IS AMAZING. Mal ( _Maleficent_Echo_ ) am so proud of ya I love your book so much you sooo deserve it. Go check it out! "Friends with Supernaturals" and go send her all da love. But yeah umm byee guys..

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