Chapter Twelve

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-Mal's POV-
It has been 2 weeks. Raina is still unconscious. We spent the first week of her absence grieving. After that week, Ruby insisted we carry on as normal. It was what Raina would want us to do. Not feel sorry for her all the time. We relocated to a new spot everyday. No matter how much we tried to carry on as normal, it didn't work. Our day was never complete without Raina making a sarcastic comment, or sassing us all the time. Nobody could imagine how Scar was taking this. Every night, I would wake up in the middle of the night, and hear Scar, sitting next to Raina and talking to her. It honestly broke my heart. Scar was the toughest girl I knew, and rarely ever cried over anything. Everywhere we went, Scar would change to her wolf form and carry Raina's small, frail body on her back. "Scar..get some are only hurting yourself more by begging her to get up.." I said sadly. Scar shook her head furiously. "She is going to wake up. She has to. She made a promise to never leave us. Raina wouldn't break her promise. What happened to hope, Mal? We need to keep our hopes up for her." Scar yelled. I sighed. There was no convincing her. Scar was positive Raina would come back. "Night, Scar.." I whispered, laying down to sleep. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard a tiny voice. "I'm back." It said. It sounded just It can't be her. Could it? Nah. Oh well, I must be hearing things. "I'm back." I heard again. I drifted off to sleep, hearing that same thing over and over. "I'm back."
-time skip-
"GUYS! WAKE UP! ITS RAINA WE MIGHT BE ABLE TO SAVE HER!" I awoke to Scar, screaming her lungs out. Everybody was up in a flash. I looked over at Scar, seeing her bent over Raina, with another girl I had never seen before. "What is happening?" I asked, yawning. "Oh yeah. Hey, I'm Kitty! I may be able to help heal your dear friend." The girl said. I quickly took notice to the fact that she had cat ears and a cat tail. "Ok, please do help us." I said. Should I be trusting a random cat-girl that just showed up and claimed she was a healer? Probably not, but I was desperate! Kitty nodded and turned around and dug through a bag she was carrying. Just as she found what she was looking for, a voice screamed out from behind us. "LOOK! THERE IS QUEEN RAINA! WE MUST TAKE HER TO THE ANGEL WORLD IMMEDIATELY!" I whipped around and saw two angels. Before I could react, one angel grabbed a wand out of her pocket and pointed it in front of us. A portal opened up. "GET THE QUEEN AND LETS GO!" She barked at the other angel. "NO!" I heard a very familiar voice scream. I looked over my shoulder and saw...Nico?! The two angels laughed at him. "Aw that is too cute! You just want to keep your little girlfriend safe, don't you?" The first one teased. Nico turned a bright red. "U-uh she i-is not m-my girlfriend.." Nico stuttered. The first angel smirked. "Oh really? Why so protective then?" She asked. I was actually quite curious myself. Raina and Nico hung out a lot, but Raina  always said they were not together. "Because. I am in love with her. She doesn't know it. But I am. I could never quit loving her." Nico said, more confidently. I smiled. It was nice to know that somebody cared about her that much. The second angel smirked. "Aww, somebody has a crush on the queen." She said. "Its a shame you two will never have a chance together. I mean, she is coming to live in the angel world, and you live here.." She grabbed Raina, and before any of us could react, she threw her into the portal. "NO!" Screeched Nico, dropping to the ground, sobbing. I watched as the angels all went into the portal, into the angel world. I stood there, frozen. I tried to scream out for Raina, but my voice failed me, and it came out more like a strangled cry. I tried to run to the portal, but my legs failed me, and I dropped to the ground. I lay on the ground, letting the tears stream down my face. After a few minutes, I sat up. I looked around at everybody, who were all crying. But there was one face I didn't see. "Where is Scar?!" I yelled. Everybody looked around, calling for Scar. She was nowhere to be found. As we all realized she was not at the camp, it hit me. Scar had gone to the angel world. She had gone through the portal. She was going to get our best friend back. She was getting Raina.

-Scar's POV-
I watched as the angels grabbed Raina and pulled her into the portal. I took a deep breath. I was getting her back, no matter what. Just before the portal closed, I leaped towards it, tumbling in. I was going to the angel world. As I landed back on my feet, I observed the angel world. There were angels everywhere! Finally, I saw the two angels that had taken Raina, dragging her along. I quietly walked towards them, listening to their conversation. "Ha. I cannot believe they fell for that queen rubbish we told them. This girl is useless to us. The real queen just wanted her executed. The fools.." The first angel scoffed. I gasped. Executed. They were going to kill Raina. "Yes, yes. Especially her little boyfriend. I almost just wanted to kill her right there in front of him to see his reaction. And those two idiots, Ruby and Scar. I have always hated those two. We went to school together. They always tried to cause trouble for me. This is revenge.." The second one said, evilly. I gasped and tip-toed closer. What I saw terrified me. The angel that had kidnapped Raina was Ruby and I's arch nemesis. Morgan. Oh, this girl wants to play dirty? Oh I am ready to play..

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