Tell Me Why Chapter #4

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Courtney's POV~

I rose from my bed as the sun shined through my room, making me squint from the brightness. I yawned and made my way slowly to the kitchen, hopefully today will be fun!

"Good Morning! Doing anything today?" I turned to face my mum.

"Morning... Uh yeah, going to the movies with Tara, if that's okay?" I questioned walking to the fridge and grabbing the milk.

"Yeah sure, have fun!" She replied looking down at the newspaper she was holding.

"Okay, thanks!" I smiled.

Once I gathered my bowl, I poured some cereal in and filled it with milk. Walking back to my room, I grabbed my phone and sat on my bed. I opened my messages from Tara and decided to message her.

'Hey, just wondering if were meeting in the cinemas? :)'

I glanced down at the time and pressed send, it was 9:30am. My phone beeped as Tara replied.

'Hello! Sure that sounds good, is 11:30 a good time?'

I looked around my room, for something I could wear.

'That's great, I'll see you soon!'

I placed my phone down and kept eating, once I was finished I walked back to the kitchen and placed my bowl and spoon in the dishwasher. Rushing back to my room I picked an outfit for the day. I decided on something casual like denim shorts with a black tank top along with a white cardigan. After that I brushed my teeth and hair leaving it down, finally putting on my shoes and gathering my phone, I headed out the door.

Once I heard the bus pull up I straightened myself out and walked up the stairs, sitting down on a seat I looked out the window until it was at the stop near the cinema. Looking both ways I crossed the street walking until I entered the cinema, glancing at my phone I was right on time.

"Courtney over here!" I heard the familiar voice of Tara.

Looking straight ahead I spotted her near a bending machine filled with characters from adventure time, I smiled and walked toward her.

"Hey!" I squealed.

"What movie should we see?" Tara replied smiling.

"Uh, how about the Lego Movie?" I questioned hoping she would agree.

"Sure, looks pretty funny!" She laughed, I nodded as we now stood in line waiting to be served.

"Hello, what movie would you like to see?" A cheerful young adult said smiling.

"Two tickets for the Lego movie please" I replied.

"Sure thing, any snacks with that?" She asked looking at me.

"Um two small popcorns please" I smiled shyly back at the lady.

"Why hello there!" A raspy voice came from behind, shocking Tara. I turned to see a guy with bright pink hair, not something you see everyday. I grabbed the tickets from the girl and waited for our snacks.

Tara's POV~

"Do you know him?" A soft whisper came from Courtney's mouth, once he had left. 

"Uh, no... not really? I don't know?" I mumbled eyeing the floor to avoid eye contact.

It's not like I was completely lying anyway, I don't know who he is... just his name.


"Okay..." Courtney replied grabbing our popcorn from the server. 

"I'll uh, tell you later..." Holding onto my ticket tightly, we walked up to the stand.

Bk 1: Just One Touch **Punk Michael Clifford FanFic**Where stories live. Discover now