A Way With Words Chapter #16

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Tara's POV~

"Do you even go to school?" I asked, walking to where Michael was going.

"Yep." He replied shuffling his feet against the grass.

"Oh, I just never see you in a uniform and stuff..." It's true, I've never even seen him wear anything school related.

"Yeah, I rarely go..." His voice faded as he looked down at his feet.

"What do you do all day?" I questioned curious to know why he doesn't go to school.

"Nothing..." Nothing is obviously something.

"Are you sure you want to practice?" He trailed off, as we finally arrived at the destination.

"Well, not really..." I spoke thinking, I don't like the sound of fainting and ending up somewhere random.

"What else did you have in mind?" He asked looking up at me, his hands placed in the pockets of his grey unzipped jacket.

"Not sure..." I spoke uncertain of what to do now.

"How about a normal conversation? Just like yesterday?" I suggested, looking at the green grass, you guessed it. We're back at the oval again. Geez this brings back memories.

"Well alright.." He answered shrugging his shoulders.

"How are you?" I kicked off the conversation, hoping it would go somewhere.

Why... Am I doing this?

Courtney's POV~

"Would you like a lift?" Ashton's voice spoke from behind.

"Uh sure..." I turned my head, looking back at him.

"Where's Tara?" I asked as I followed Ashton who was now in front of me.

"No idea... She wanted to walk home, and she has to study for a maths test." I stood waiting at the passenger side of his car.

"Oh, okay..." I looked behind and saw her figure waiting near a table as she kicked her feet against the pavement, another figure in a grey jacket stood next to her. Suddenly I noticed the person's hair, pink with a mixture of purple, it was Michael.

What's she doing with him? I thought Ashton said to stay away from him.

"Earth to Courtney?" The door opened as he appeared smiling.

"Uh, yeah?" I swallowed.

"You can get in!" He chuckled.

"Oh..." Heat rushed to my cheeks from embarrassment.

I stepped in, buckling my seat belt in as he started the egnition. Silence filled the air as the radio was turned off.

"Tara's acting strange..." I broke the silence, thinking of the only thing I feel comfortable about talking in front of him, strangely enough it was Tara for some reason.

"Yeah, since when does she study for maths anyways..." Ashton turned the wheel, making us enter a main road. I've just realised he's never been to my house. Great I'll have to tell him where I live.

Not that it matters, he can know where I live any day. I don't mind.

"Oh um turn right..." I said looking out the window.

"This one?" He questioned slowing the car down.

"Yep!" I smiled, fiddling with my fingers awkwardly.

"Would you like to go to the movies on Friday?" His voice soothed through my ears, I could listen to his voice every second of the day.

"Sure, what movie do you have in mind?" I looked over to him concentrating on the road his eyes meet mine for a spilt second, a smile plastered on his lips, making my heart race.

Bk 1: Just One Touch **Punk Michael Clifford FanFic**Where stories live. Discover now