One and Only Chapter #24

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Tara's POV~

The doctor appeared once more and stared down at his clip board.

"You're free to go tomorrow, we just want to double check you're okay." He spoke firmly looking in my direction.

"Meanwhile, you can get food or go for a walk, inside the hospital." And just like that he closed the curtain and walked away.

My eyes scanned over to Michael, who still hasn't told me who exactly he is to me.

"Who are you?" My voice regains from not speaking for a few minutes.

"I'm Michael," he stares, holding my gaze. "I'm just a friend." He positions his head downwards as if he wasn't too sure.

"Well, friend. Would you want to get food? I'm starving!"

"You stay here, I'll go get it." Michael says standing.

"But I wanna go with you! Plus I haven't walked in ages!" I argue.

"Alright." I hear him mumble.

I lift the sheets off and realise I'm in a hospital gown. Well that's not awkward.

"Maccas?" Michael suggests, I nod.

Holding the rail of the bed I plant my feet on the cold ground. They should have given me socks!

"You okay?" Michael says as I take my first step, I nod again.

"Did anyone else come and see me?" I ask as we walk in the direction of the cafeteria.

"Yeah, Ashton and Courtney, you probably don't remember them?" His green eyes look over to me, and then I feel something. Like butterflies, but more. Whoever this Michael guy was, he must have meant something more than a friend to me.

"Uh no, no idea." I start to fiddle with my fingers, but not sure why. Then I stop and swing them from side to side. I start to feel shivers travelling on my arms and along down my back. I think I'm cold?

As if on cue something happens.

Michael entwines his hand with mine, our fingers combining together and I gasp quietly to myself at the sudden impact of something that felt electric running through my veins.

Courtney's POV~

Something I thought was nearly one in a million chances happened. And no, I'm not talking about Ashton and I...

I understand that Tara goes through a lot or can over react to something, I think everyone does that sometimes. But she never deserved this, she never deserved to be put in a position like this. Ashton and I never got to go on that date. (Forgive me if I'm wrong I didn't look back on previous chapters)

It was a night of disastrous events, but I'll never forget the way he looked at me.

Okay, my hair is alright down. I hope it's not windy, dammit why didn't I check the weather before hand?! I gazed my eyes to the clock on my wall, 2 minutes. The nerves got more worse as I waited, just staring at my reflection. I wore something similar to a sundress, except it was a light shade of purple. The bottom flowing out to my knees.

"Courtney! The door!" My mum yelled, I panicked.

"Okay!" I replied smiling into the mirror and straightening out the creases in my dress.

I made it to the door, almost wanting to peek through the little magnifying glass to see him. But I didn't, instead I took a deep breath and turned the handle. Swinging the door open I met his eyes.

His smile made him look cute, almost like a little boy receiving a lolly pop. But his eyes, made the world turn around. How could someone make you feel this way? Like you're caught in a moment of just staring. I almost forget to blink my eyes starting to sting.

"Hey!" His mouth suddenly opens and I start to feel a rush.

"H-hi." I stutter, nervous as hell, he takes a step closer and I freeze.

"You look beautiful." ------

"Courtney? Are you even listening to me?"


"W-what?" Where even am I?

"Can you pass me the dishes in the sink? You've been washing the same thing for 5 minutes!"

I snap back to reality, oh I was just at home. I wanted to re-live that moment in time, but it stays a memory which I'll remember forever.

Tara's POV~

We made it to maccas, something about this places makes me feel happy and I don't know why, maybe it's because I've missed cheese burgers?

Walking here was magical. I felt multiple jolts of electricity running through me. I felt, powerful?

"How are you feeling?"

"Meh, much better now that I've got my one and only love." I look down at my cheese burger smiling.

"Good." Michael replies eating his fries.

"Thanks." I mumble quickly looking at Michael.

"For?" He looks up and I stare down at my burger.

"I don't know, just thanks." I stuff a huge bite in my mouth to avoid anymore awkward soft talking. This cheeseburger is amazing.


Sorry for it being short, wanted to update something since some of you were keen!

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