Mc Donalds Chapter #14

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Tara's POV~

The touch of his hand on my cheek made my heart flutter, an intense sensation and oblivious feeling appeared in the pit of my stomach, what am I feeling? It was like we were an unstoppable time machine, we could go places no one else could go. The softness of his hand, the gentle connect between his fingers stroking my cheek was forcefully powerful with desire, like he meant meaning with every stroke and every touch he's ever made.

I gasp, sitting up from shock. My palms becoming sweaty as I woke, touching my cheek, it felt so real... What the heck was my brain thinking? What the heck am I thinking? Thank god that was just a dream!

"It was just a dream!" I whispered aloud assuring myself that it will never become real.

I lifted my legs to my chest, taking a deep breath in and looking towards my alarm clock reading 6am. Fuck that there's no way I'm going back to sleep. I need to talk to someone, but who? No one will believe me if I told them what happened... I guess there's only one other person and I don't like the thought of talking to him. I don't know what to do... Maybe I should walk it off, it will be getting lighter as the time goes so why not? The beauty of sleeping in clothes is handy, you could go somewhere and nobody would even know you slept in them, I grabbed my black zip up jacket from the edge of my chair, pulling the zip up to my neck and placing my cold hands into the fluffy pockets. Now I need to sneak out, but how? They will most definitely hear me going through the front door.

What could I do... Without making any noise... Hmm, oh I could go through the window! Brilliant idea! I don't know what made me think of that but I like it! Quickly grabbing my phone and placing it in my pocket, I unclipped the lock and swung open the window. Flashbacks from last night entered my mind. Michael coming into my room, talking to me about the thing we did... I shook my head, wanting to forget that experience with him. Leaning down I gripped the wood framing the glass, hanging one leg over. A tree stood right outside my window, it was like it wanted me to do this. Dangling both legs outside I tightly grabbed the branch in front of me. Stepping onto the thick lower branch, this must be how Michael entered.

"Phew!" I huffed, looking down there was at least a two metre drop down. I could die but I think it will be worth it, who am I kidding. No one could die from a two metre drop, right? Well unless they like belly flop down onto the grass or land on their back... They'd break some bones definitely. I propped myself upwards, my hand resting behind me on the bark of the tree. I have to do this sooner or later, I pushed my butt up landing my weight into my hand and let go, landing perfectly on my feet. A rush kicked in, my heels of my feet felt like a mix between pins and needles and an elephants foot stomping hard on the floor, it hurt to say the least. Shaking the feeling away I walked onto the sidewalk. Hands in my pocket, with one clutching on tight to my phone.

Where should I walk to now?

The fresh cold air of the morning breeze tangled my hair, making me shiver, my stomach growled for food. That's when I remembered, I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday because of Michael, I didn't eat dinner. That stupid, tattooed boy with amazingly green eyes and fucking coloured hair does my head in. The closest shop was 15 minutes away, perfect... I hope I have money on me. Mc Donald's sounds good right about now, the warm yummy goodness of a cheeseburger in my mouth, I'm drooling just thinking about it. Turning corners down streets I walked closer to my destination. Entering a main road, I saw the sign in view. I'm starving, I'm not even sure if I can make it in time! My stomach ached but I pushed myself to keep walking, there's no point walking this far and not getting that cheeseburger I wanted for nothing. I pray to god I have money, probably should have brought some with me anyway.

"Agh! Must. Keep. Walking!" My legs burned from my fast pacing.

"Almost. There!" I slowly walked, up the step, I entered the building..

Bk 1: Just One Touch **Punk Michael Clifford FanFic**Where stories live. Discover now