Better Chapter #9

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Ashton's POV~

"Hey Michael!" I said greeting the guy with pink hair, tattoos and piercings.

"Oh hey man!" He replied as I walked along side him.

"So what's up?" I glanced towards him as we reached the stair case at school.

"Nothing much.." He replied as we walked up the stairs.

"I mean, what's really going on Michael?" I opened the double doors revealing a class room, filled with empty chairs as I waited for students to arrive.

"What do you mean?" He replied pulling out a chair.

"You're not acting like you?" I said following his action, sitting opposite to him.

"I'm me alright!" He chuckled.

"Well what's the story with you? And Tara? Huh!" I cut to the point, I knew he had something with her.

"Just don't scare her!" I added.

"Might be a bit late!" He answered looking out the window

"Michael! Ugh! What did you do?" I said frustrated.

"What do you wanna know?"

"Everything! From the day you met her!"

"It met her at the carnival, I didn't know she was a friend of yours!" He rushed the sentence, I swear I could punch him right now!


"I just, took her to the Ferris wheel and sat with her... She didn't talk, just looked at me. Then at the movies, her and this other chick just happen to show up and I may have scared her with talking. Um yesterday I saw her and walked with her to the park. Chatted a few times, she didn't seem fond though.."

"Are you serious! I was meant to introduce you! You don't just go up to her and act like a stranger! Our friendship is over because of you! Ugh why couldn't you just listen!" I shouted at him, this time he should be the one scared.

"Dude, chill... I didn't hurt her!"

"Yeah well you pretty much ruined our friendship I think we're all hurt! Way to fuck shit up Michael!"

"So how do we fix this?"

"Michael, you have to fix this!"

"What about that other chick? What was her name?"

"Courtney! You didn't do anything to her did you? I'll fuck you up if yo-"

"No! No I didn't do anything to her, I swear!" He yelled back.

"Can you do one thing for me Michael?" I asked crossing my arms at him.

"Stay away from Tara, don't touch her, don't talk to her, don't go near her! Got that?"

"Yep!" He ran his fingers swiftly through his hair.

"Listen I've gotta go, I don't have time to argue about girls!" His voice growled as he got up and walked out.

Man everything is ruined, it's all his fault.

Courtney's POV~

I arrived at school early, walking around until my class was open, home room will be the death of me. I opened the classroom door and glanced at the chairs, not knowing which one to take. Do I sit in the same seat as I do everyday? Or move because Tara will probably sit there?

I think I'll move.

I wondered around the room scanning where everyone originally sat. A single table and chair was placed in the right corner at the back.

"Morning Courtney!" A voice said from behind.

"Oh morning Mr Burton..." I replied turning my attention to my phone.

"Why are you sitting there? Aren't you going to sit next to Tara?"

"Um were kinda fighting..." I replied awkwardly looking him.

"Well sort it out because I don't wanna have to deal with any more arguments!" He laughed.

"I'll try!" I curled my lip and sighed.

"Just say sorry, it's not hard!" He smiled.


I scrolled through my music and picked a new song, the first bell for homeroom went, as people came rushing in and sat down. Talking to their friends I awkwardly waited in silence. I moved my eyes to the door, slowly glancing away as the door opened, Tara walked in, this may be the only chance I get to say sorry.

"Tar-" I started, she quickly turned her body around and glared at me.

"Stop, just... Don't!" Her voice startled me, almost making me flinch.

"I-" I paused stopping myself from going any further.

Why should I even brother if she won't listen?

I looked at the time and tapped a beat on the table with my fingers, waiting for the bell to ring. Knowing I have Maths with Tara, not something I'm looking forward too!

Tara's POV~

After a boring lesson without talking to Courtney I quickly made it to our spot, making sure neither Ashton or Courtney were in sight. I sat down and got bored, looking at my surroundings which were all so familiar. Pot plants everywhere with tree like plants, the white coloured pavements and the blue coloured tables and chairs. Only thing that's missing are my friends...

"Ugh I miss my friends!" I never thought I'd say it out loud but it's true! I miss the play fighting and how Courtney use to blush in front of Ashton, I miss the night of the carnival! I miss them!

"I miss them too, I know I shouldn't have yelled at you at the movies and got mad at Courtney, it's just... I have to keep an eye on Michael, I don't want you getting hurt!" I looked up to see the bright smile of Ashton, standing right in front of me.

"Please can we just forget everything and be friends?"

"On one condition!" Ashton speaks up.

"Anything!" I answered straight away, I can't keep any anger inside of my any longer.

"You have to forgive Courtney!" He smiled and turned his head towards her. She stood a few metres back, looking scarred to approach.

Damn it! I still think they'd be cute together, oh shit.

"Alright, fine!" I gave in looking back at Ashton, I just hope I made the right choice.

"I tried saying sorry, I really did! But you just kept pushing me away and ignoring me... I'm sorry okay, I know what I did was wrong! I just, I can't go another day fighting with each other!" Courtney spoke, looking me in the eyes with sorrow and forgiveness.

"You know what, we all make mistakes, I should be the one saying sorry..."

"Now hug!" Ashton says giggling.

"I was going to anyway, silly!" I rolled my eyes and stepped forward, only a few centimetres away from Courtney.

I leaned closer and wrapped my arms around her, I've never hugged her before... It feels enlightening and warm.

"How about me, you and Ash have a sleepover and try this again? This time no tricks up our sleeves?" I whispered in her ear as a smile appeared on my lips.

"I would love that!" She grinned back as I pulled my arms away.

Good, things are better than ever.



Thank you to another Courtney who made this cover! It means so much to be its SO AWESOME

Thank you to anyone and everyone who is reading this fanfic! More to come! Be prepared for a HUGE twist you probably won't see coming!!!

Bk 1: Just One Touch **Punk Michael Clifford FanFic**Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora