Healing Chapter #22

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Courtney's POV~

"I wouldn't call it an Asian name!" Ashton replied stroking its furry head.

"Well okay, it just sounds Asian you know?"

"Yeah but it's not!" He laughed.

"Tara's certainly taking long."

"Yeah, should I go see what's up?" I looked up, my eyes meeting with his. I swear I could see my reflection in them that's how glistening they were!

"Yeah, bit worried about her actually." Ashton didn't move his eyes away.

"I would be too... I'll be back!" I blinked and got up from my seat, walking over to the toilets.

Tara's POV~

I don't know why my heart was pounding in my chest. It felt like I just ran a marothon, that was something I never wanted to do. Is this what it feels like? Like you can't breathe out of your nose so you have to use your mouth because it feels like that's the only way to receive more air into your lungs? Either way I can't breathe.

I wipe my eyes once more and look into the mirror, the red around my eyes was still visible. The toilet door opens, making me jump in fright.

"It's just me." Courtney whispered, thank god.

"Are you alright?"

Please don't say; 'it looks like you've been crying' because I will not hesitate to kill a bitch. I'm joking I would never hurt anyone. In fact I couldn't kill a fly even if I wanted to because they're so fast you can't catch them.

"I'm alright, I guess." I spoke quietly afraid I might break down again.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I nodded in reply, it may be the only option. Or I could just run away and avoid talking but that wouldn't be like me.

"I just broke down crying, everything came crashing down. Like I had no one I could rely on. But then Michael called and asked what's wrong... Like he knew I was crying, it was weird." I sat on the bench near the sinks.

"What happened to the plan? You still going along with it?" Courtney moved and lent against the wall of a toilet stall.

"Yeah, I think I'll be nice and I don't know. I'll see what happens." I looked at her, I'm glad she came along. I don't know what I'd do without her. She's the only person I have who I trust girl wise. Other than that it's literally just Ashton.

"So you're not going to get him back? I thought that was the whole point of it?" She asked, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe if I be nice I might see his true identity."

"That could work!" Courtney said forming a small smile on her lips.

"Yeah." I replied taking a deep breath.

"Should we go outside?"

"Sure." I get up and follow her to the door.

"Geez, what happened to the sun?" I glance up at the sky as I step out, only seeing gray clouds filling the sky, no blue, and no sun.


This makes everything seem more depressing.

"Tara!" Ashton stood up from what looks to be my side of the table.

"Ashton!" I repeated the same tone he used.


Lunch was great, it reminded me of the old times when we would laugh and talk about things. It felt like a heavy weight was being lifted off my shoulders and I could just forget about what was on my mind. I now walked to the park. Michael said we should meet, I'm hoping he will be as nice as he was over the phone.

"Hey." I see Michael in view as he stands from the park bench.

"Hi." I mumble and sit next to him waiting for him to speak about whatever the hell we have.


Short chapter sorry, I was gonna add more but my sister was waiting for me to hurry up so I could play the wii with her 😂

Hope you liked it. Not sure when I'll update next. Merry Christmas ❤️😁

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