Total Disaster Chapter #8

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Courtney's POV~

I hesitate before turning my phone off and deciding to ignore him, may not be the best choice but I don't feel like talking anymore, maybe I need space, maybe I need time to figure things out, after all they yelled at me. And yeah my actions weren't the best, but I don't regret them... yet. I finally got up from my position and stood up, stretching my arms I walked to the kitchen to find something to eat.

I'll take that as a no then :(

My phoned beeped as I saw the familiar name pop up on my screen.

Maybe he's back, back to the old him.

Maybe he never changed...

It's not like we were that close anyway.

Um, I think I just ruined everything all over again...

What am I doing? I better say sorry before something happens again.

Uh sorry, I didn't mean it like that

I pressed send hoping he wouldn't take it the wrong way, I didn't mean to sound mean...

No, it's okay... You're right anyway

Oh no, it must've been the 'Uh' at the beginning DARN IT!

Ashton, what are you saying?

I'm just a tad confused.

You know what I mean, stop acting like you don't!

Ouch, I think I just stopped breathing for a second.

Harsh words from Ashton, once again... I should get use to it from now on!

You're doing it again! I don't know what you're on about!

What is he even talking about? Someone please explain it to me!

Oh I'm sure you know!

But I don't...

I'm not even gonna bother with you anymore, why do I try to please you? It's not like it works anyway, just go on about doing your own thing, I'm tired of all this pathetic behaviour from you, I'm done!

Pressing send I looked at the time on my phone, 8:45pm only a few hours until I go to bed, then when I wake up it'll be Monday morning...

You like me?

A reply from Ashton said, my eyebrows instantly went up and a confused expression appeared on my face. Typing back to him:

What? I didn't say that!

My phone flashed.

Oh but you did!

Fuck off Ashton!

I replied frowning in anger.

Oh I see, trying to deny it but it's true, you like me ha

Is he teasing me?

So what if I did? You don't have to harass me about it!

But it's true! You like me!

I've had enough of his crap!

Ashton why are you acting like this?

Is there a problem?


Little Courtney too afraid to tell ash?

I'm about to explode...

Ugh Whatever...

It was already ten o'clock so I decided to stop talking and attempt to sleep, knowing I have to face them at school with be the death of me.

Monday morning, everybody hates Monday! I stretched my back and sat up from my bed, taking the warm sheets slowly off my cold body. I shiver and walk to the kitchen. Grabbing cereal and a bowl. I then sit down on a kitchen stool and poured the milk in. After eating breakfast I gathered my school uniform together, putting the warm blazer over my t-shirt and my marron pants on. Along with my black shoes, walking to the bathroom I grab my brush and stroke my hair down.

Brushing my teeth I walk out and place things inside my school bag, getting my phone I quickly put it inside my pocket and walk back to the bathroom, spitting out the toothpaste and wiping my mouth. This will be an interesting day, I just have a feeling. I stepped into the kitchen to find my mum.

"I'm gonna walk to school today" I said swallowing, hoping she would let me.

"But its cold! I don't want you getting sick!" I mother said getting my little sisters breakfast ready.

"I'm ready early, so I'm walking... Bye!" I insisted, turning around I headed out the front door, closing it I walked onto the footpath.

I scanned through the messages with Ashton, what do I do? We all know the real Ashton and he's not showing it. Maybe it's the pink haired guy, changing his appearance and personality. I mean have you seen what he looks like? Not exactly who I pictured Ashton to 'hang out' with.

I'm worried about him, all these things he's saying I just want things to be back to normal. It was only 2 days ago when we were at the carnival, that was the best time of my life. The way I actually got to know things about him, like I was his friend. It was then I felt like we connected, but now I don't know what we are... We need to be reconnected, were disconnected and I don't like it this way.

I think I over think things?

A little too much...

Tara's POV~

I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing, knowing it was Monday was torcher. I didn't wanna go to school today, especially with the drama between Courtney, Ashton and I. I rose from my bed, knowing I'd have to go to school anyway, maybe I'll just try to avoid them today. Slowly making progress towards the kitchen. Finally I made it to the fridge, grabbing an Up & Go I shut the fridge door. Unwrapping the straw I poked it through the little silver hole.

"You looked very tried last night" My mum's voice said behind me.

"You barely spoke during dinner, is everything alright?" She continued.

"Uh yeah, I'm just stressing over tests that's all, I'll be fine!" I smiled and walked off to my room.

I don't think I feel like talking to anyone, at all...

After I finished getting ready for school, I placed my bag on my back and walked to the bus stop. Plugging my music in I stared out the window and sang along. Once I arrived at school I stopped at the entrance, taking a deep breath knowing today was going to be hard, to face Ashton and Courtney. I don't think I could.

"Hello" A whisper from behind said.

I almost jumped, I quickly shifted my body so I was facing the person from behind.

"What are you doing here?" I asked the creepy pink haired guy.

How does he know where to find me half the time, another reason why I don't like him

"I have a name!" He spoke, like he was reading my mind.

"Yeah, well so do I!" I replied.

"I'm here to see Ashton! What about you Tara?" He smirked.

"Well, Michael... If you can't tell I go to school here!"

"Is that so?" He chuckled.

"Yeah so if you don't mind I'm going to class,  bye..." I awkwardly looked away from him as I walked to class, by myself. 


Who's gonna be the one to fix all this???????????????

I dunno if that was good or not... sorry!

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