Trust Chapter #19

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Tara's POV~

Today will probably consist of another fight with furious events, when do I get a break?

I took another deep breath, calming my pulse down as I entered the gates of the school grounds.

Ashton's POV~

There's nothing wrong picking up the girl of your dreams first rather than your best friend who is lying to you. Right? I beeped my horn on the steering wheel, Courtney rushed out placing her bag on her arm as she reached for her pocket, putting her phone away.

"Hey!" I smiled looking over at her, the brown waves of her hair falling over her shoulder, as she hopped in and buckled up her seat belt.

"Hey, how are you?" She sat back relaxing with her hands crossed.

"I'm good thanks, you?"

"I'm thrilled!" She laughed, her hand instantly covering over her mouth making me chuckle.

"What's your opinion on Tara lately?" I blurted, I know I talk about her a lot but she's just on my mind a lot.

"Uh, well she has been ditching us lately... I don't know what's up with her actually, I'll talk to her in Maths today" Courtney replied looking out the window.

"Yeah she has, hasn't she? I'm pretty sure it's to do with Michael!" I tapped my forefingers on the wheel as we stopped in front of a traffic light.

"Oh really? How are you so sure?" She replied in disbelief.

"I just have a feeling, I mean have you seen him?" I chuckled, okay it wasn't all about his appearance but I mean seriously have you seen what he looks like? It seems to match his shit personality.

"Isn't he your friend though?" Courtney said turning her head and looking at me.

"Well yeah, but not anymore..." I replied quickly glancing into her eyes, they looked more blue in the day light with the sun shining on her face.

"Oh..." She muttered not knowing what else to say.

"We are here!" I announced, turning the wheel and parking, twisting the keys I turned off the engine.

Tara's POV~

I quickly made my way to home room, Michael is so annoying he never tells me anything or he makes me wait like what's up with that? I really want things to be the same, I wish I never met Michael. This is his fault why did I let him drag me to that bloody Ferris wheel.

The bell goes soon after I sit down and stare at the clock on the wall making ticking noises. Why does everyone come late? Or am I just too early?

My eyes look over to the door, I hear laughter and see two figures appear. Ashton and Courtney. Well I'm glad they're still going strong.

"Oh hey Ta!" Courtney smiled walking through the door, Ashton following behind.

"What's up?" Ashton smiled looking over at Courtney.

"Oh hey guys, literally nothing..." I stated looking around the room, no one besides us were in the class room.

"I see, how's Michael?" Ashton blurted.

"I don't know..." To be honest I don't really know, he's probably just angry like he always is with me.

"Are you s- what the hell is that?" Ashton's eyes glanced down, I followed them leading to my wrist.

"Oh I-" shit.

"I drew it on, ha..." I replied as Courtney walked over to the table I was at and sat down next to me.

"Uh yeah I'd say that looks like a tattoo much?" Ashton leaned on a chair facing my way.

"What no!" I kept my eyes down, not wanting to see his or Courtney's expression.

"It will come off in the shower!" I continued as I pinched my sleeve and covered it completely, why does everyone seem to notice?

"Whatever you say! I'm going to class..." Ashton placed his hands in his pockets and waddled away.

"What's up with you lately?" Courtney turned her attention straight to me.

"Oh nothing..." World war three with Michael.

"Michael? Tell me about him?" Courtney questioned, why all of a sudden?

"Um fights? He's just annoying he keeps showing up everywhere!" Well at least that was true.

"So he's like with you everyday?"

"Yeah, that's what I dislike." Finally people arrived, not that I care.

"Do you go places with him?" Whoa she's like a detective trying to figure out a crime.

"Um I went to maccas... He was nice, we talked about stuff kinda laughed but then he turned into a jerk!" I smiled harshly at the thought of him being nice, like I'll live to see another day of him acting like that.

Michael's POV~

I slam my hand down onto my desk, lift my right hand clasping it around my drink and letting the cold craving of beer sink down my throat. I repeat and look at my arms, my ink was neat I don't regret one tattoo. Well maybe one, well I didn't have a choice for that, why was it a rose?

School can get fucked, all I wanna do is be with Tara but no she's doesn't see me as nice anymore. I don't even know what she really thinks of me. Maybe I could ask her to start over completely besides the fact that were like superheroes and are meant to be... I don't think that would be a very good idea, we haven't even controlled it yet and frankly we don't know how. I take another sip of beer and move to my bed, I sit up and turn my TV on. Grabbing my controller I begin to play where I left off last night. Gaming is a serious thing, it's a bit addictive kinda like tattoos. I fiddle my thumbs over buttons and win the first found of avengers which was a fighting game and a pretty epic one too.

I take another skull of beer, it's great knowing your parents could care less about what you do, you can stay at home and just relax, plus what's the point of school if people just socialise anyway? And now that the bands fucked up I don't see why I have to go and see the others, I bet they'd just want to stay away from me. Just like everybody else.

Tara's POV~

"So yeah, Michael is a handful!" I said walking to Maths with Courtney.

"Well give him another chance? Listen to what he has to say?" We stopped at the door and waited for the teacher.

"I've tried believe me!"

"Maybe try harder, maybe he's near you for a reason?" Yeah because of a fucking rose tattoo and disappearing to god knows where.

What can I say? I have trust issues.


Let's pretend it's Tuesday since I forgot what day it was haha

Sorry I struggled to think of what to write in this chapter... Sorry it's literally shit but I wanted to update because I haven't in soooooo long!


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