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"Tanya!" Eric is in our house, the house I share with the two other girls in our band, Lysa and Jae-Eun. 

"What?" I grumble, sitting beside him on the couch. I just got back from Daegu this morning to prepare for another long and busy months of practices for our new mini album that's gonna be released in a few months and some shoots and interviews for magazines. After our last promotions, the company allowed me a week of rest which I spent all in Daegu. 

"I have to talk to you about this before we discuss it with the organizers." He shifts uncomfortably on his seat, looking a bit worried. 

"What?" Annoyed now, I raise my voice. "Spill it."

He takes a deep breath and lets it out aloud. "Just listen first, ok?" He waits and I just shrug my shoulders. "The band is going to do a project under a big TV station."

I should be jumping for joy that the band is now being recognized but the look on Eric's face makes me stay still and my heart beat go faster in nervousness. 

"So ... " he taps his fingers on his lap, something he does when he's stressed, "it's a reality show and it would last for a month."

That's what he's worried about? "I just have to be careful with my mask, don't I?" I shrug my shoulders again. With the fear of my identity being revealed, the company is careful in choosing the shows to put us in. Because of that, we don't get that many offers for the group, only our leader Sung Min would get solo invites from time to time. The other members always tell me it's ok, that it's not my fault, but, I'm pretty sure they don't feel that way deep inside. 

This industry is a constant struggle of competition. Especially for rookies like us. Groups have to get all the exposure they could get. And I'm guilty in holding the band back. So, whatever chance we get, I don't hesitate to say yes. 

"Well .. .yeah ... you have to do that. But ...." he clears his throat, "you have to do it with another group."


"The project is of a rock band ... you ... and a group of a different genre, doing music together."

"That wouldn't be too hard."

"Well ... the other group would be .... GOT7."

Shit! FUCK! "YG agreed to this?" I feel cold sweats starting to form at my back,  and my armpits. I swallow hard. 

"He isn't liking the idea. But, he can't reject this project again, Tanya. He's done that a lot of times already. You know that."


More Than Four Years Ago

"You're the new trainee?" A boy comes near me as I sit alone in the canteen of the company eating my lunch in my very first day of training. I haven't made a lot of friends yet since most of the other trainees have already known each other for months, if not years. Well ... I'm not very sociable either ... Shy, you might say. 

"Uhm .... yeah." I answer shyly, looking down at my plate, suddenly not wanting to eat what's in it. 

"Why are you eating alone?" He puts his trey on the table and takes the chair beside mine, making me look at him in surprise. "Mind if we join you?"

WE? I look behind him and other guys are doing the same, taking the rest of the chairs around the table. 

"JB." He tells me. 

"Huh?" I look at him questioningly. 

"My name. Im Jaebum. But, you can just call me JB."

Masked Musician - GOT7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now