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"What happened? Where'd you go?" Eric is already on to me when I get to Ji See's apartment. 

I ignore him and go to the room where Ms. Heo is trying to put a restless Bianca to sleep. 

"Mama!" The little girl jumps into my arms and I carry her and hug her tight. 

"Are you ok, baby?"

"Go to the plane?" She asks, wriggling her way out of my arms. "See Lola?"

I put her down, pretending to busy myself fixing the bed as I try to hide the tears that are starting to form at the brim of my eyes. "We need to do something first, Bianca, ok? We'll be staying here for a while."

"No." She whines, tugging my arm as I put the pillows that she scattered back on the bed. "I want to ride the plane." 

"C'mon." I lift her and lay her beside me. "You have to sleep." I soothe her hair, "We'll go see the plane tomorrow, ok?"


"Yes. Baby." I cross my fingers as I pull her closer to me. I just hope we could book another flight without YG knowing and just get out of here. 

I must've dozed off for a while. I get awakened by some noises outside the room. 

"No, JB. You can't talk to her." I hear Eric saying, trying to lower his voice. 

What's JB doing here? SHIT! I stay on the bed, not moving a muscle. 

"Please, Eric. I need to see her. Just ... Please."

"What's going on here?" That sounds like Ms. Heo. "Who are you?"

"I am not leaving until I see her." That's JB again. "Tanya!" He shouts. 

Bianca stirs beside me at the noise. I pat her gently and hum. 

JB wouldn't stop making noises, already banging on the walls. 

"You're gonna wake up the neighbors." Ji See joins in. "Go home for now, JB. You're drunk. You can talk to her tomorrow."

"No. I need to see her now." Another loud voice from JB. 

I get up from bed, grab a thin jacket from Ji See's closet and get out the room. Everybody goes quiet when they see me standing at the door. 

"Tanya.... I ..." JB starts, seeming to be out of words. 

I walk towards him and grab his hand. I pull him out the apartment, drag him to the elevator and out the house into the dark streets. I let go of his hand and continue walking, with him silently following close behind. I get in the park and stop at an area not a lot of people pass by at this time of the night. 

I take a deep breath before facing him. "What?"

"Babe. I'm sorry." He surprises me by pulling me in his arms, hugging me tight as he sobs. "I'm sorry ... I .... Shit ... Sorry. I didn't know."

I stay unmoving on my feet as I try to understand what this drunk boy is trying to say. Hearing him call me 'babe' again after so long makes my chest ache as memories of the countless times he called me that in the past flood my mind. 

"I really don't know what else to say, but sorry. Why didn't you tell me? That old man used you and you didn't tell me. It's my fault. Tanya. Baby."

My tears roll down in streams quietly. I bite down on my lip to stop it from trembling. 

"Forgive me, babe. Please. I'm sorry. I really am." He tries hard to say between his sobs that are getting louder and louder. "I love you. I still do." My chest tightens hearing those words again coming from him. He holds me tighter and I can't stop the sounds of my own cries from coming out my mouth, too. "And I love you even more for what you did. You didn't have do that. I'd choose you over anything else in the world. You should know that, Tanya. I shouldn't've let you go."

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