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"JB!" Lysa comes in our waiting room after the live show. 

"Hey!" I wave at her, letting her in. "How's Ms. TiQ?" I ask, still worried even after seeing her color back on her cheeks. 

When she passed out earlier, I panicked. I hesitated on taking off her mask. Lysa came to us before I could. Eric came right after. He carried her to one of the staff's room and locked the door. Only the members of the band were allowed to go in. 

During our performance, I noticed how she had difficulties pressing the strings on her guitar. Her wrist was swollen after. I took her to the pantry where I saw some ice cubes I put on her wrist. I wasn't able to stop myself from asking about Mark. They look really close together. When she said they were just friends, I felt relieved. I actually felt stupid even asking about it. It was childish, but my curiosity - and maybe even more than that - made me do it. 

I just ... well ... you know ... I just wanted to be close to her. 

I know what you're thinking. What about Lysa? As I've told earlier, she was a distraction. But, come to think of it, I feel kinda guilty. Instead of using her to distract me from Ms. TiQ, I find myself using her to know more about the girl. 

If before, I wanted to avoid Ms. TiQ because she reminded me so much of Tanya. But, now, she makes me forget everything about Tanya and just makes me curious about the face behind the mask. Who wouldn't? I actually forgot about the incident a few nights ago when I saw Ms. TiQ. All my thoughts revolved around my worries about the girl. 

I haven't worked with her that long, but in that short span of time, I got so drawn to her - even if Lysa tries so hard to keep us away. 

Especially when I was holding her hand earlier, it felt ... nice. It felt right. I wanted to hold her more, get to know her better. When I looked up at her covered face, I didn't imagine Tanya's face anymore, I didn't picture any other face at all. It was just her mask and her pink lips she kept on chewing. 

"Did you hear me?" Lysa asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. 


"It's my birthday tomorrow." She's saying. "I'm gonna have a party at my place. I asked your manager if you could go and he said yes."

"Oh ... " That takes all my attention now. "Happy birthday then ... in advance." The thought of going to her place excites me, not because of her, but because I know she and Ms. TiQ live together. "We'll be there, then. Send me the address."

"We?" Mark asks. "Are we even invited? I think she was only asking you?"

"All of you, silly." Lysa giggles. "Some other friends would be joining us, too." She continues, looking at Mark. "Lea, too."

We all look at her, surprised. "You know her?"

She smiles and shrugs. "Just recently, when we started working in your company." She answers. 

I notice Mark shifting uncomfortably on his seat. He takes out his phone and quietly fumbles with it, not joining in the conversation anymore. 

I raise an eyebrow, shaking my head. 


I was really excited the next day. I couldn't wait for our schedule to be over so we can go home and prepare for the party. The boys and I chipped in to buy a gift for Lysa, one that Bambam has insisted on buying, a huge teddy bear. 

The other members of her band were already there when we get to Lysa's house. I couldn't see Ms. TiQ anywhere though. There are girls from other companies, too, making the other boys swoon at their skimpy outfits. 

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