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I hope next week is not gonna come. But, with our loaded schedule, time seems to fly by so fast. 

The show hasn't aired yet, but, word has already spread out about it. Of course, what do we expect, it's GOT7 in the show with us. 

In one of the music programs we are in, the band is interviewed in the waiting room. The first questions asked are about the upcoming show, which were mostly answered by our leader. 

I start shaking on my seat when the interviewer singles me out of the group and starts asking me questions. 

"When are you going to reveal your true identity, Ms. TiQ? Everybody is curious about who you really are? Why are you hiding behind a mask anyway? There are some speculations here and there that you are not Korean, is that true?"

I don't know which question to answer first. "Uhm...." 

"She will come out when she's ready." Sung Min answers for me when, after a whole minute, words won't come out my mouth. 

But the host is insistent on letting me talk. "When do you think is that?"

I shake my head, half hiding behind Min Jun who's sitting at my left. 

The reporter chuckles awkwardly. "How shy can you get? It's been six months since your debut. Aren't you used to being on the spotlight yet?"

He gets another shake of the head from me. 

"Well," he looks back at the camera, much to my relief, "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

We've gained more and more paparazzi's when we're out. And it's becoming more crowded wherever we go. Eric makes sure that no one comes near us, he stays by my side when we're in public. 

I'm starting to question myself why I'm doing this. 

Well, money, of course, is the very main reason. The company has provided everything I need, from the place I stay in to the monthly deposit to my mom in the Philippines. I can't complain how YG has been taking care of us for the past months, but, the pressure I'm getting now makes me rethink my decision. 

Especially when the day comes that we're meeting with our teams for the show. Since the majority of team B consists of GOT7 members, with four of them and just two of us, they get to decide where to meet. And it's just my luck that they decide to do it again in their company. 

Lysa gets out the van quickly once it stops in the parking lot of the JYPE building. Eric takes his time, waiting for me. 

"Don't leave me. Please." I tell him. Sung Min won't be with us and I'm sure Lysa wouldn't want to help. 

"Don't worry." He assures me, taking my guitar from the back. 

I've been practicing in my room for days on how to smile in front of the guys when I see them without looking so awkward. I've even tried to lower my voice when I talk. But, once we get in the practice room and I see JB waving at us with that very familiar warm smile, I forget all that I've prepared and start panicking again. 

After helping me greet them, Eric takes me to the side where he puts down my guitar. 

"Hey 'stuck up'!" Mark, with his nicknames, approaches us. 

I glance at him for a quick while then start unlocking the latches on my guitar case. 

"I'm really gonna start calling you 'snobby nose' if you still won't talk to me." He grunts. 

I try to hide the smile forming on my lips, remembering how he used to call me different names before depending on his mood. I'm just guessing he's got that pout on his lips this time as he waits for me to answer. 

Masked Musician - GOT7 FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang