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My short vacation with my parents doesn't seem to have helped me at all. Cause once the plane lands, my mind is once again filled with the girl's face. Well, I guess it didn't really leave. Even when I was trying my best to enjoy my time with my family, deep inside, I really wasn't. Especially when I saw the news about her being rushed to the hospital.

I shouldn't have left. But, I didn't have any choice. I have to get rid of her in my system, or else it's gonna ruin me.

I don't know why I even came back. Initially, I wanted to leave ... completely. Not just on vacation, but I wanted to quit. I think it's because I don't have the motivation to work here anymore. There's nothing here for me anyway. The group is doing quite well. But, personally, I'm not. I'm getting behind everything.

I can't even stop myself from calling Eric once I get back to the dorm. I just wanted to know how the case is going. I haven't talked to any of the members yet and so I don't know what's going on. Except that Tanya has finally decided to sue that jerk.

"It's not going so well, Mark." Eric sighs on the other line. "We don't have enough evidence against him. I've tried talking to JYP and convince him but he said he doesn't know anything about it. There were no useful footages from the CCTV cameras we studied." He sighs again.

"Did you try talking to the other trainees she was with? Maybe they've seen something." I feel a bit of anger building up inside me. "I'm sure it wasn't just Tanya that ass did that to. Lea ... Have you talked to her?"

"We tried, Mark." I hear him letting out an exhausted breath. "I'm sorry we wasted your effort. But, I think it's a dead end for us. It's ok. Tanya just wants to go home for now."

"OK?" I raise my voice. "How can that be ok? Is she giving up again?"

"It's not that, man. She's just too tired to fight back. We're losing time and resources here. She needs to get out of here as soon as possible."

I forget about my jetlag and storm out of the apartment, leaving my unpacked luggage on the floor in the living room and getting in the first taxi I see.

"Mark?" Lea's surprised to see me barging in the training room as she practices with the other new trainees.

"We need to talk." I grit my teeth. I grab her hand and pull her out of the room, dragging her to the nearest empty room down the hall.

"What?" She folds her arms in front of her when I release her hand.

I slam the door close and turn to face her. "Tell them already, Lea."

"What are you talking about?" She rolls her eyes at me.

"That asshole." I yell. "Tell them what he tried to do to you."

"He didn't do anything to me." She turns away and tries to walk to the door but I stop her, grabbing her shoulder and letting her face me again. "MARK!"

"What did he promise you this time, Lea? Huh? He's going to let you debut now if you won't open your mouth? Is that it? You believe him?" I can't stop myself from shouting. "C'mon, Lea."

"Are you still doing this for her, Mark?"

"It's not about her anymore, damn it." I yell still. "It's what that guy did to you and to the others."

She shakes her head, looking away from me. "Maybe I should've just let him touch me before. I should've been on that stage with the others by now." She tries to smile but fails. "But, I didn't." She looks at me again. "That's why I'm still damn here and doing the fuckin' best I can to get on that stage, too." She raises her voice, too. "Now, you're telling me to throw all that hard work away just to make that girl happy? You think I'm crazy, Mark?"

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