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I stay outside a little longer after Mark left. My tears haven't stopped yet and my mind still full of what he's said. 

Why would he have to know about Bianca, too? It's already too much for him knowing about the girl in the mask. 

Why would he ask me to stay? What am I to him? I'm just a friend, why would he want to risk his career for me? Why would he do that? 

No matter how hard I want to forget, the image of what happened nights ago appear in my mind ... of his lips on mine and me returning his kisses. I didn't get to ask him about that because I don't want him to think it's the reason I'm leaving ... it's really not ... maybe ... maybe it's a part of it. I don't know anymore. I'm really confused right now. I don't know what I want and need to do ... I don't think I can distinguish the difference even. 

I spill more tears when I lay myself to bed. It takes all my self control not to cry when I'm awakened by an excited Bianca in the morning, wanting to go down to the beach. 

We stay in Jeju for another day before going back to Daegu and pack. I've already booked a flight for Bianca and I. We're just waiting for Eric to pick us up and take us to the airport.

"Tanya ... ? You've got to see this." Ms. Heo shouts from outside the room while Bianca and I are double checking our luggage. "Tanya!" She opens the door, her face ashen. 

"Wait here, baby." I put Bianca down from my lap as I get up and check what's making the woman worried. I get out the bedroom and follow her to the window facing the street outside. My face becomes as pale as hers when I see the crowd of reporters lining the side of the road. 

"Do you think .... Are they ... here for you?" Ms. Heo asks, hiding behind the curtain. 

I quickly step away from the window and run back to the room where I grab my phone and call Eric. He answers immediately. 

"I just passed your house." He says, sounding panicky. "Damn. How'd they know?"

"I don't know." I try to sound calm as Bianca is watching me curiously from the bed. "Just get us out of here, Eric. Our flight's tonight."

"OMG!" I hear Ji See at his end of the line. "Look at this." 

"What?" I have to go to the other room because I can't stop myself from shaking. "What's that?" I ask again when I hear Eric gasping, too. 

"Your .... The video ...."

"No ...." my voice trembles as I sit on Ms. Heo's bed, biting my nail. 

"And Bianca ..."

"No ... Shit... How .... FUCK!"

"Wait ... stay on the line, Tanya. I'm calling the boss." Eric says. I don't stop with my nails as I  apprehensively wait for him to get back at me, I can barely hold the phone up to my ear. 

"Tanya!" Ms. Heo shouts and I quickly run out to her, almost dropping the phone in my haste. 

"What's that?" I ask when I look out the window again, to where she's pointing her finger at. There's a commotion at the other end of the street. There's a group of at least ten people surrounding a guy who seems to be pouring gasoline on a ... car? Shit!

"Oh My God!" It's Ji See on the phone now. "Who the fuck is that?"

The hooded guy stands outside the driver's side and leans over the window. The car starts to life and it moves slowly towards the crowd of people across the street from our house. People begin to run in different directions and I take the opportunity, running to the room and carrying Bianca in my arms. Ms. Heo follows us as we quickly go out the door where Eric's car is already waiting with the back door open. 

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