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I can't let my head look up when the boys bow after they've all entered the room. Sung Min has to pull me to my feet to bow back and welcome them. I slump back on my seat, still not finding the courage to look at the faces I was once so fond of. 

"You can get to know more about each other later." The producer starts talking as one of the staff starts passing sheets of papers to the boys. He gets up and goes to the wall behind his chair which becomes a screen with a press of a button. I am just relieved that my eyes have something else to focus on aside from just looking down at my trembling fingers under the table. 

The producer starts to explain the concept of the project. From the schedule of shoots to how many songs we're required to make and arrange. Since it's only gonna last a month, we're expected to meet at least two days a week which the manager of GOT7 has to disagree. With their busy schedule here and abroad, it would be difficult for them to squeeze some time for this. 

"Not all the members have schedules all the time." The producer argues. "Let the ones who are free meet up with the band. Then they can just record everything and show it to the other members. Right?"

"What do you think?" The manager asks the boys. 

"I don't think that's gonna be a problem." I hear JB answering. I've missed that voice so much. I've only heard him when they're on stage, and when I watch some of their interviews on TV and radio. "When are we gonna start anyway?" 

"Next week." The producer answers.

"That's perfect. Most of us are gonna be free from that time since we just finished with our promotions anyway." JB continues. "I think we can do it."

The producer claps his hands happily. "Perfect then. Now, how about let's go grab something to eat? We can talk more about it over dinner."

Eat? With them? Shit.

"Ji See," Eric signals the girl behind me. "How about you take Ms. TiQ to her schedule for now. I'll go with the others." 

"Huh?" Ji See says, puzzled. Only when Eric gives her a meaningful look that she gets up. "Oh ... yeah..." she giggles awkwardly. 

"Ms. TiQ wouldn't be joining us for dinner." Eric explains to the producer. "She has to prepare for an interview."

"Oh?" The producer, too, looks doubtful. "Ok. Then. Maybe next time."

I keep my head low when I pass the boys towards the door and let out a relieved sigh when we're finally out the building. 

"Shit, that was close." I tell Ji See. 

"So, where do we go now?" Ji See asks, standing beside me on the sidewalk. 

We end up  in her apartment with some bottles of beer, which we promised each other not to tell Eric. 

"Good thing we got you some new masks," Ji See says rummaging for some food in her fridge. I've taken off my mask and stashed it in the box before sprawling on the sofa. "What do you wanna eat with that?" She asks. 

"Not hungry." I say softly. Actually, I'm not in the mood to do anything. I stare blankly in front of me. JB's voice runs on repeat on my head. I don't even notice the tears that are starting to wet the sofa as I lay my head on it. 

"Shit, Tanya." Ji See comes running when she sees my state. 

"You think he's still angry at me?" The question just comes out, not really asking to be answered. 

Ji See picks my head up from the chair and lays it on her lap. "Dear. That happened three years ago." She strokes my hair. "I'm sure he's forgotten all about it."

Masked Musician - GOT7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now