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The pain from the needle the doctor is using to sew me up doesn't do anything to pull me out of my thoughts. 

Tanya is Ms. TiQ? 

I saw the resemblance ... But ... .Shit! How could I have not suspected the girl of being Tanya? I only thought they had a lot of similarities. Am I that stupid? I'm always the first to suspect something. How can I have missed that?


Her hand. Why didn't I notice it earlier. Tanya twisted her wrist that night. How stupid can I get? I even helped the girl to ease the pain of her swollen wrist, and I never have thought it was the same hand. Even when I held it, I know it felt familiar, but I ignored that, too. 

How long did Mark know anyway? Were they hiding it from me so they could be together? What the fuck?!? That's why she was the most comfortable with Mark. Because he already knew who she really was. Because, they were really close to begin with. Too close that it makes my insides burn up in rage just thinking about it. 

And what was he talking about earlier? What did he want her to tell me? What did he mean misjudged? 

Even though I was a bit drunk, I can clearly remember all his words. He said I let her leave just like that? That ... we don't know the whole story? That, she's hiding it from me not to make me feel guilty? But, what else is she hiding? What is it that I need to know? Why the fuck would I be guilty on something she did? 

"I need to talk to her." I tell nobody in particular. Jinyoung is beside me with our manager, the other boys are already sent home. 

"JB. You have to rest for now." Jinyoung says, sighing. 

"I need to talk to her." I get up after the doctor has put on the bandage over the wound. I put on my shirt and grab my jacket from the bed. 

"JB!" Jinyoung stops me from leaving the room. "No." He shakes his head. "She needs time to think about all these."

"Mark. Where's Mark?" I ask, looking at our manager. 

He huffs. "I don't know. Jackson's with him." He glares at me. "WE need to talk." He grits his teeth, rather angry or pissed. "Are we done here, doc?" He asked and the doctor just smiles and nods. Kinda like dragging me out the hospital and into the car, our manager doesn't talk until we get inside. "What happened again?" He finally says, turning around to face me sitting at the backseat. "Why'd you even go to a party like that? You're the leader, JB. You should've been the most responsible one. Why'd you even let the young ones go with you?"

"Sorry." Is all I can say, my mind still on something else, not really concentrating on what he's telling me. 

"And you," he faces Jinyoung who's sitting at the front seat. "Why'd you let him do that? Why'd you just watch Mark do that to him?"

"I couldn't ... " the boy tries to answer. 

"Don't even try to defend yourself." Our manager says angrily. He starts the car and his scoldings continue as we head back to the house. 

"Where's Mark?" I ask Jackson when I see him idling on the sofa when we arrive. The other boys are there, too, except Mark, waiting for us to return. 

"I lost him." Jackson answers. "How are you?"

I roll my eyes and head to my room, locking the door behind me. I hear Jackson shouting from outside, asking me where he's gonna sleep, but I ignore him. I throw myself on the bed, face down, and pull a pillow to cover my head. 

Masked Musician - GOT7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now