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"What?" Ms. Heo is back in the living room, an empty glass on her hand. She forgot to leave it on the table in the kitchen when she came rushing after hearing what I said. 

"I'm taking Bianca to the Philippines." I repeat, smiling down at the little girl playing with my hair. "We're finally going to meet *Lola, baby." I tell Bianca, holding back my tears as they threaten to come out again. "Aren't you excited?"

"Lola?" Bianca mimics. 

"Yes." I put her down and straighten her dress that got creased when I carried her. "She'd be happy to see you, too." I HOPE!

"Bianca?" Ms. Heo bends down to talk to her. "Go get the card you made for Mama, will you?"

The girl dashes to the open door leading to the room. I hear her rummaging through stuff. Ms. Heo sighs and sits beside me, finally letting go of the glass on her hand. "Tanya. What's wrong? Did anything happen at work?"

"Everything's fine." I fake a smile. "I just .... I think it's time for my mom to know. Tanya's growing up and she needs to be going to school soon. I can't keep her here, Ms. Heo."

"Are you sure about this?" She looks really worried. She takes my hands in hers and her tears make mine come rolling down my cheeks, too. I shake my head and break down into sobs. She takes me in her arms, shushing me with her soothing humming. "Everything's gonna be ok, child. It's gonna be fine." She says, sniffling. 

"Mama! Look!" Bianca's excited squeal makes me pull away from the woman quickly. I turn to the side to wipe my cheeks before facing the little girl who's showing me a colored paper with stick figures of me and her. 

"Did you make this, baby?" I ask, diverting all my attention to her as Ms. Heo gets up and continues to cry in the kitchen where Bianca couldn't see her. 

"Yup!" She answers. 

"Say, yes!" I scold her lightly. 

"Yes, Mama." She obeys. 

I spend the whole day with her, taking her to the park, grocery shopping ... just every possible thing I can do to make up for the weeks I haven't seen her. I also read her a story to put her to sleep at night. 

"So, are you really decided?" Ms. Heo asks as we drink an after dinner wine in the backyard while waiting for her new helper to come home after closing the resto for the night. 

"Yes." I nod. 


"Why? Do I have to have a reason for that?" I say, chuckling a bit to hide the cracking of my voice. "I just need to take her away from here before it's too late."

"Why don't you just stay here? Help me run the restaurant or something. I'm sure you can find a job where you don't need to hide, Tanya. You need the money, don't you?"

I smile bitterly, thankful for her kindness and generosity for the past years, remembering every single thing she has done for me. "I would still be writing songs." I inform her. "Our boss would still want me to submit some for the other artists and the band. And I think I've earned enough to put up a small business back home." I smile genuinely now, looking at her, "Maybe a small restaurant like yours. Or a music academy. I don't know."

"You won't be singing anymore?" She looks sad, sympathetic. 

"Karaokes?" I try to laugh then sigh, gulping down the rest of my drink and pouring another glass. "I've had a taste of the stage. I think that's enough."

Masked Musician - GOT7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now