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"M .... Mar ... k ..." I'm able to move my hand and stop his from continuing. With the other, I grip the mask tighter which is now halfway down my face, preventing it to fall and fully expose my face. My eyes are showing and I can't dare to look up at the boy, patiently waiting for me to release my hold on both. 

"It's ok." His soft voice comes out, his eyes full of compassion ... maybe sympathy, "It's just me .... Mark." Cautiously, he shifts the hand I'm holding and curls his fingers around mine. "Tanya. It's ok."

Tears start streaming down my cheeks. He takes the mask from my hand and, guardedly, pulls it off my face. I bite down on my lip, bending my head low, trying to hide whatever there is to still possibly conceal. But there was none. As he puts a finger under my chin and tilts my head up. 

"Tanya." He breathes out. Without warning, he pulls me between his arms, crashing me against his chest. "I knew it. I knew it was you. I fuckin' knew it." 

My uncontrolled sobs come out louder as I bury my face on his chest, my arms hanging limply on either side of me. I haven't cried like this for a long time. I haven't had anyone to cry to. I didn't want to show anybody I was having a hard time. I only wanted them to see the strong side of me. 

But, in front of Mark and all his goodness, I succumb to all the emotions I've tried to mask for the years that passed. 

"Crybaby," he has to comment, pulling me closer to him as he rests his cheeks on my hair. 


We're able to get out of the company and to a secluded coffee shop an hour away without being followed by fans or paparazzi. 

I order a mixed fruit juice of some sort while Mark settles for coffee. I'm long done with my crying but I'm still not done cursing myself for being caught. Although it's comforting to have Mark beside me again, it isn't part of my plan. In fact, I never thought I'd be sitting in a cafe with him again. 

"You ok?" He asks, breaking the long silence. I know he wants to ask me a lot of things, but, he's taking his time, maybe assessing my emotional condition, afraid that I'd break out in tears again. 

I shrug, focusing my eyes on the drink in front of me. 

"Why didn't you call me?" 

I don't have an answer to that. Why didn't I? He wasn't in Korea when I left. But, it all started long before that. Why didn't I tell him? Of course I wouldn't tell JB, he'd go berserk if he knew. But, Mark .... what would he have done if he knew?

"I looked for you, you know." He continues. "Where have you been staying?"

"Daegu." I answer honestly. "A friend's family."

"Friend?" He creases his brows. "Who? Eric?"

"Ji See."

"So they know. All along they knew where you were. Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Why would they?" I know that's a bit harsh. I can see he's hurt on how he bites his lip and the look on his eyes. "I'm sorry." I say after a while. "I just didn't want to burden anybody anymore. Especially you. You were about to debut. You were busy."

"You know I wouldn't be too busy for you, Tanya. You fuckin' know that." He's pissed. He grits his teeth, controlling the volume of his voice. 

The shop is almost empty. But, the girl behind the counter has nothing else to do but look our way from time to time. Even with Mark's hood pulled down to cover his face, I'm sure the girl is still suspecting him of being an idol. I've gotten rid of my mask for once and I'm just glad she doesn't recognize me from the disturbing video of me from three years ago. 

Masked Musician - GOT7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now