More than Friends-Ratchet

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Your an Autobot in this and Cloudspiral is my OC. Also I don't own the video.

Your POV

You sighed as you set the data pad you were holding on a table and looked around. You were all alone in an empty medbay because Ratchet had left with his soon-to-be spark mate, Cloudspiral. You tried to ignore the twinge of pain you felt as you thought of your best friend....and long time crush. It was sad, really, how much you loved him even though you knew he would never return your feelings. No, you were as humans called it, stuck in the friend-zone.

A moment later, the door of the medbay burst open as Ratchet and Cloudspiral walked through, servo and servo, chatting excitedly about something. They stopped talking as they noticed you, Ratchet offered a rare smile at the sight of you, his best friend, while Cloudspiral glared and snuggled closer to Ratchet.

"Oh hey, umm I was j-just finishing up, I'll leave you two alone." You hurriedly stammered shuffling past them towards the door. As you walked by you could hear them continuing their conversation which, surprise surprise, was about one of Cloudspiral's battles.

You internally sighed again as you stepped into the hall. That was the reason she was Ratchet's girlfriend and you weren't. You were complete opposites! While Cloudspiral was a confident, beautiful, fearless warrior, you were a shy, quiet medic's assistant. It was no wonder that Cloudspiral caught Ratchet's optic. You headed towards the main room, hoping a drive would help you clear your thoughts.

////////////////time skip/////////////////

You just got back to base after a long drive through town, which did not clear your thoughts at all. Realizing you had left your data pad in the medbay you headed towards the door. As soon as you opened it you let out a small squeak. Ratchet and Cloudspiral were having a serious make-out session and sprang apart when you entered. With energon rushing to your faceplate you stuttered an apology and practically ran out of the medbay after getting your data pad.

And, once again, you tried to control the pain and jealousy of seeing Ratchet with another femme. Thankfully the rest of Team Prime was out doing whatever, probably on a mission. You hurried to the roof to watch the sunset, as tears started streaming down your face.

Once you were on the roof you fell to your knees, quietly sobbing into your hands. It wasn't fair! Why should Cloudspiral be with him when you had gone to the Pits and back just for him not to be alone? The pain was like someone was ripping out your spark and watching as you bleed. And the worst part is, that you couldn't even scream.

After taking a few shuddering breaths and drying your tears, you got up and headed back inside to your room. Ratchet and Cloudspiral were still in the medbay and had locked the door. Keeping your helm down you hurried towards your room, trying to ignore the sounds of laughter coming from within the medbay. Closing your door, you fought down the agony at the thought of a different femme holding Ratchet, as you drifted off into a fitful recharge.

////////////////another time skip//////////////

You onlines your optics and sat up sighing, another day of pretending your feelings didn't exist.

Shuffling towards the door you headed to where all the other bots were. Optimus was assigning missions and you all but jumped at the opportunity to get out of base. Everyone else had their partners so Optimus let you tag along with him. He had deduced your feelings for the medic a long time ago and knew how much you were hurting.

Soon the mission came to an end. Nothing very interesting happened and Optimus didn't try to ask you about Ratchet. That's what you liked about the large mech, he respected your privacy and didn't pressure you into doing anything you were uncomfortable with. The mission, which was just patrolling around and looking for anything Cybertroian the entire day, was fairly boring. Thankfully it took the entire day so it was almost sunset and the kids had already gone home.

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