Bittersweet Goodbye-Bumblebee

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This was requested by ALIYAHMAYOB . You are a human.

Please listen to the song above. It's called Blue Lips by Regina Spektor. It is a really good song. It sorta goes with the oneshot but not really. Listen to it anyway.

Your POV

"Yeah!" "Wohoo!" "We won!"

The cries rang around the base as you heard Optimus tell you the good news. The Decepitcons had been defeated, scattered after the death of their leader. The Earth was safe from the evil tyranny of Megatron.

And even better, your boyfriend could talk in his own voice.

His beautiful, amazing voice.

You held your breathe as a groundbridge opened up in front of you. Your eyes glanced over the alien robots before stopping on one in particular.

"Bee!" You cried, racing towards him as he crouched down, lowering a hand for you to hop on. You jumped onto his hand and latched yourself onto his faceplate in a huge hug as the bot lifted you to eye level. Your boyfriend chuckled and stroked your back as you shouted over and over that you were so worried and that if he did that again you would murder him, alien robot be damned. Stepping out of the one-sided hug, you smiled up at him, not noticing the sad look Optimus was giving the two of you.

"You did it Bee." You said softly, laying a hand on his cheek.

"We did it Y/N." He answered, before Ratchet cleared his throat behind you. You and Bee broke apart, both blushing in your own ways. When everyone turned towards him, the old bot began to speak.

"We have recovered the spacebridge and Cybertron awaits. We must be leaving soon."

Your happy mood deflated in an instant, along with the rest of the humans in the room. You didn't want your guardian, Optimus, to leave. And you certainly did not want your boyfriend to leave either. But, it would selfish to make them stay. As much as you loved the Autobots, you knew that they could never belong in your world.

"You can't leave before we celebrate your victory! Let us say goodbye in the right way." Miko said, shaking you out of your thoughts.

"What do you mean by that Miko?" Optimus asked. The girl smiled, an excited glint in her eyes.

"We are going to throw you party!" Miko said, throwing her arms up in an excited way.

"A party? How on earth are we going to throw a party? We don't have money or a place to throw it." You asked shaking your head. As great as her idea sounded you couldn't help but find it simply impossible. The Autobots were too big to go to your homes, and even with their holoforms your parents would end up asking questions.

"We have enough space just outside the base and I can bring music, Jack can bring food and stuff, and you and Raf can bring stuff for a fire. We can make it work."

You tilted your head at Miko's words.

"Then when is this going to happen?"

---------------later that night--------------

"Bee, baby can I talk with you? Alone?" You said to your boyfriend who was around the fire with the rest of team. Miko had brought a portable speaker and was blasting music. She and Bulkhead were dancing and had managed to get Arcee, Jack, Raf, Wheeljack and Ratchet to dance with them. Optimus was talking with Ultra Magnus, looking much more relaxed. All the Autobots were in their holoforms so that they could interact with their human friends one last time.

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