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This is a Thanksgiving special. You are human

Your POV

"Okay Mom, see you later." You said, ending the call with your mother.

You sat back down on the couch with a sigh. You had just received word that your father would be returning from his deployment with the Navy today and spending Thanksgiving with you and your mother.

You and your dad didn't always see eye to eye, and if you introduced him to the Autobots, in their holoforms of course, he would most likely barbeque them on sight. He had a tendency to overreact every time you introduced him to friends. But, you would have to ask the Autobots to join you for Thanksgiving first.

That meant you would need to talk to Optimus, which normally resulted in you turning into a tomato and stuttering through your words. Just then the bot on your mind walked in. It's now or never.

"Hey Op-ptimus." You greeted, your face slowly heating up. He returned your greeting, turning your knees to jello.

"Umm well I know you guys want to know more a-about huma-an culture, so I was wondering if you wanted t-to come to m-my h-h-house for Thanksgiving?" You squeaked out, your face the color of Optimus's flames.

"I see. I would like to speak to Agent Fowler and the rest of Team Prime about this matter. But, I do believe it would be quite...insightful." The Prime said, as he turned away to talk with the others.

Your breathe left your body with a giant whoosh. Talking to your crush was the hardest thing ever, especially since he had about as much emotion as a brick wall. You were still recovering when he walked back over to you.

"Agent Fowler agreed, as did the others, though they don't really know what this Thanksgiving is."

You let out a sigh of relief and picked up your phone to call your mom. Thanksgiving was tomorrow, so the two of you had a lot of cooking to do. You talked with her, informed her that there were a group of your friends coming over, and began to make a list of things to buy. After you hung up, you turned to Optimus and said.

"Hey can you take me home? I-i have s-some cooking to do."

Optimus nodded and transformed, as you ran down the stairs towards him. You hopped in his alt mode and the two of you were off.

-----------------next day---------------------------

"Ok so the turkey is in the oven, the pies are outside cooling, along with my cranberry muffins. The stuffing is in the fridge, but the gravy is still on the stove." Your mom said as the two of you rushed around the kitchen.

"We still need to put out appetizers, and get the ice and drinks out." You responded from where you were stirring the gravy.  The delicious smell drifted up into your face as you smiled down at the pot, proud of your work.

"What time are your friends coming?" Your father asked as he wondered into the kitchen. You stiffened slightly, unsure of what to do as you and your mother exchanged glances.

"Good morning sweetheart, they are coming at 3." Your mother answered, turning her full attention to him. He had arrived last night, shut himself in a room and hasn't been out until now.

As your father watched, your mother and yourself finished cooking and cleaning. After that you went up stairs to clean yourself up. You washed your face, brushed your hair, put on your new dark green knee length dress, and sprayed perfume all over you. You headed downstairs but stopped mid step.

"So Optimus what do you do for a living?" Your mother's voice sounded as you struggled to keep yourself from blushing. The Autobots had arrived when you are upstairs. Taking deep calming breathes, you headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. When you entered all eyes turned to you, your face slowly reddening.

"Darling, you look beautiful!" Your mom said smiling. You thanked her and asked what time everything would be ready, completely unaware of the eyes currently staring at you shocked. Optimus had never seen someone look so beautiful. You stood there in front of him and his world fell away, leaving just your graceful, gorgeous body.

"-ptimus, Optimus it's dinner time. Get your head out of the clouds. Primus you look like a love struck kid." Ratchet said, shaking his friend and shoving him towards the dining room.

Team Prime sat down, making small talk with your parents as you served. Optimus's eyes followed you where ever you went, he would even twist in his seat to continue staring. As you handed him his plate, he smiled up at you with a happy look on his face. You giggled and took your seat next to him. Your mother took your father's hand and you took Optimus's, gesturing for the others to do the same. The team joined hands as your father began to pray. You bowed your head, so you didn't notice Optimus staring at your face, not even paying attention as everyone let go of each other's hands.

" Optimus? You can let go of my hand now." You said gently.

Optimus quickly let go, apologizing profusely. Together, everyone chatted, talking with your parents, laughing with you and exchanging stories with each other. It was amazing, the most fun you had in ages. Your father even stopped glaring at Optimus after about a half an hour.

Soon, the sun had set and no one had moved. Everyone was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down their faces. As soon as you finished laughing, you began to collect dishes and carried them to the kitchen.

After you had cleared about half the table, you realized that Optimus had gotten up and helped you. Heading back into the kitchen, you ran into a hard chest and somehow ended up on top of a very muscular body. As you gently shook your head, you heard the voice of your crush rumbling under you.

"S-sorry O-optimus." You started to get up, but Optimus had other ideas.

He pulled you up more onto his chest and gently held you there. Your breathe caught in your throat as you looked deep into his eyes. Slowly, you leaned down and placed your lips on his. He immediately kissed back, bringing his hands to the back of your head, deepening the kiss. You relaxed into him, wrapping your arms around his neck. The kiss lasted for what felt like an eternity, the feeling never fading, shooting through your body like stars. Eventually the two of you pulled away from each other, staring into each other's eyes with passion and love.

"I think I like Thanksgiving." Optimus said, pulling you down for another kiss.

Author Note:

Hey guys!! I'm baaaack😁😁!! Sorry I have been gone for so long, it's just starting a new school and joining the marching band kept me busy AF. I promise I will try to update as much as I can but it might not be as often. Anyway Happy Thanksgiving 😁😁.

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