I will be there-Ratchet

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Btw you are an Autobot in this and this  starts on the last day of Cybertron being alive (confusing I know just roll with it)


You vented as you ran through the fleeing crowds. This was it. There had been a mandatory evacuation for all non-military bots. You were training to be a nurse but had not yet finished so you had to leave too.

"Ratchet!!" You tried to call your sparkmate's name over the noise of the crowd. He was a member of Optimus's unit, who was a close friend of yours. Panic started to set in as you desperately searched for a familiar white and orange frame.

You were starting to lose hope when a flash of white caught your optics and you saw him.

"Ratchet!!!!" You screamed racing past the crowds. He lifted his helm and spotted you, a look of relief crossing his optics. You continued to fight your way past fearful bots reaching towards him.

Jolting forward, you launched yourself into Ratchet's arms, relief flowing through you. As Ratchet looked down at you, your servos shot up and pulled his faceplate down to yours in a kiss. The two of you stayed that like that for a few minutes, though it seemed like an eternity to you. You pulled away from the kiss and rested your helm on his shoulder.

"I'm scared." You whispered into Ratchet's shoulder.

"I know, sweetspark, I know." He breathed back." I thought you left already."

"I couldn't go without saying goodbye. I-I-I love you too much to just leave you."

You pulled away from him slightly a stared up into his faceplate.

"Just promise me you'll come back. Even if it's not on this planet, promise me you will come back to me." You said, fighting back tears.

"I swear to Primus I'll be there." Ratchet replied hugging you again.

After a moment or two you released him and turned to his teammates. Looking specifically at Optimus then the rest of them you said

"Take care of him for me, please."

They nodded in response. Turning away from him you started back towards the crowded street. The one that would lead you away from Ratchet. You paused for a second to call over your shoulder.

"I love you Ratchet and I know I will see you again one day. Whether we are both dead or alive I will see you."

With that you walked away into the crowd, tears already falling from your eyes.

----------------major time skip-------------

It has been many years since your last confrontation with your sparkmate and it hurt like crazy. You had finished studying to be a medic and were now a certified medical bot. You never stayed in one place at once, always searching. But, you joined different Autobot teams whenever you had the chance. And when it was time, you explained to them why you had to leave and left. After a few years of that you came across a wrecker by the name of Wheeljack. He told you of Earth and even decided to be your bodyguard on your journey there. Soon you found yourself hurtling towards a larger, blue planet closely followed by a herd of Decpticons.

"Wheeljack, we need to get into the atmosphere!" You exclaimed from beside him.

"I know, I know I'm trying." He said back.

He hit a few different buttons on his consol.

"I'm contacting Optimus now." He shouted. You were shooting the Cons with the weapons on the ship, humming in agreement.

A baritone voice broke through the coms.

"This Autobot Outpost Omega One, please identify yourself. We recognized you as an Autobot, please respond if you require assistance."

"Optimus this is Wheeljack. I'm entering Earth's atmosphere with Decepticons hot on my trail."

"Who do you have with you? We are picking up a second signal." Optimus replied

You quickly switched places with Wheeljack.

"This is Y/N L/N sir."

Gasps rang from the coms and it took a few moments for Optimus to respond.

"Y/N it has been a while."

"Yes, it has. So the plan is for Wheeljack to drop me off some where near Nevada. At that point I should be able to meet with you. Wheeljack will circle back around to meet us."

And then the com cut off because part of Wheeljack's ship was hit. Hard.

You looked beside you where Wheeljack was firing shot after shot at the Cons. By this point the ship was a few miles above Nevada, shielded from view of course.

Wheeljack opened the exit and shouted for you to jump. Which you did.

You fell through the air before landing  hard on the ground. Immediately you pushed yourself to your peds. Decepticons land right in front of you, their weapons trained on your figure. Scrap you thought I was so close. Just then a swirling green portal opened up before you and out stepped Optimus Prime and his team.

After making quick work of the Cons you followed them through the portal and into a large base with Wheeljack on your heels. You slowly looked around, taking in the sight before you. Your sparkmate stood frozen infront of the rest of the bots.

"Y/n." Ratchet breathed, stepping towards your form.

"R-ratchet I-i-i found you." You stuttered.

Snapping out of your shocked trance you launched yourself into his arms. Peering down at your optics Ratchet placed kisses around you faceplate.

"Finally," you whispered " finally."

Hi. Sorry I haven't updated. I have been pretty busy with life. But I promise I will try. Have a nice life......cya

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