Beautiful Scars-Bumblebee

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Your a human. This is not my video

Your POV

"Anybody getting off at Jasper, Nevada?"

The driver's tired voice filled the nearly empty bus. You picked up your backpack and headed towards the bus's open doors. As soon as you stepped into the bright light of the sun, the doors swung shut and the bus drove away, leaving you in a cloud of dust. Looking down at the packet of papers your social worker gave you, you read the address at the top. You had to find someone named Jack Darby, who was supposed to pick you up.

You were here to start a new life, even though life didn't seem to mean too much to you anymore.

Almost one year ago, your house had burnt down with you and your family inside. The fire had destroyed your house and killed your family. Both of your parents were killed from smoke inhalation and your baby brother along with them. But, the fire hadn't only effected them. Sometime during it, the left side of your face, neck and torso caught fire. You stayed in the hospital for almost two months recovering your burns. You lived but would have the scars for life.

Mentally and physically.

The burns started on your cheekbone, curved out onto most of your cheek and part of your lips. The ugly pink splotch went down onto the soft flesh of your neck and onto your side and chest. It was hard not to notice and even harder to cover with anything other than clothes and delicately place hair.

Your uncle took you in for a little bit but, he couldn't care for you properly because he was already caring for three kids with no wife to help. You knew that you needed to leave, so you had him talk to your social worker. She gave you a name and an address of someone that your parents trusted very much. They had wanted you to go live with her if anything happened to them. You would honor their last wish even if you didn't want to.

After the fire you felt lost, disconnected in a way. You were numb from the sadness and pain. It became part of you in a way, worming its way into your soul. You had lost so much, your heart was shattered. Starting over seemed like an impossible feat to you.

The sound of an engine broke you out of your thoughts, as a boy pulled up beside you on a beautiful blue motorcycle.

"Sorry I'm l-" The boy stopped short, gawking openly at your face. You quickly flattened your bangs against your face, a sinking feeling in your chest. Not even five minutes in Jasper and you were already being judged.

"You are Jack Darby, right?" You asked, shuffling your feet.

"I-uh Y-yeah, hop on. I'll take you to the house." Jack said, shaking of the shock. You hopped on the motorcycle behind the boy as the bike started up. You were headed off to your new home.

-------------------time skip---------------

You had been in the Darby house for a few day and you had come to two conclusions. First, that Jack and June had a secret that they were trying really hard to keep from you. Second, it had something to do with Jack's motorcycle and the other vehicles you had seen his friends getting into after school let out.

Soon you found out just what that secret was.

You were in the room that was now your own, when you heard a loud noise coming from the garage. Creeping down the stairs, you slowly walked towards the door. Cracking it open you saw something that made you gasp. Inside the garage was what looked like a female robot. She was crouched talking to both June and Jack, who were standing in front of her. The trio must have heard you gasp because all three turned towards the door you were looking through. Fear taking over your instincts, you stumble back only to crash into the wall behind you. The door swung open before you, revealing a guilty looking Jack.

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