Can't Forgive You-Breakdown

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You are Miko's sister so obviously you are human.

Your POV

"Y/N get up, it's time for school." Your host dad said as he passed by your room. You sat up in bed and looked across the room at the empty bed. Miko had already left and hadn't even bothered to wake you. Ever since she started hanging around those damn Autobots, she had been avoiding you.

Yes, you knew about the Autobots, ever since your sister had started hanging out with them. You knew because you too had a secret that you kept from your sister.

You were a Decepitcon.


The sound of a car horn broke you out of your thoughts. Pulling on your hoodie, you looked out the window of your room to see Breakdown, your guardian, parked alongside the curb in his alt mode. You smiled as you raced downstairs and out the door, grabbing breakfast and your backpack on the way out.

"Good morning Breakdown." You chirped happily to him as you jumped into his alt mode.

"Morning Y/N. Sleep well?" He answered.

You shrugged, you didn't really like sleeping. When you slept all you could dream of was Miko, back when she was your best friend and now, barely even a friend. It filled your dreams  with pain and longing. Yeah, you didn't like sleep that much

Soon you arrived at school and went through your day as normally as you could, seeing as you had lost all you friends. But, you hadn't really had friends in the first place, all you had was Miko. She was your twin, your other half, and she abandoned you. Sometimes you would see her hanging out with Jack and the younger boy Rapheal. You wanted nothing more than to run over there and tell her that you knew everything and you wanted her back.

But you were a Decepticon, you would just steel your heart of ice and keep moving through the day with a stone cold face.

Decepticons are strong, fearless, intimidating.

Decepticons don't cry.

-----------------------line break-------------------
"Hey Breakdown, it's Y/N. Where are you?? You said you would pick me up and it has been almost an hour since school ended. Please comm me."

You hung up, looking around at the desolate school area. You were starting to get worried, where was your guardian?? He had never been this late before. You stayed standing until the familiar alt mode of your guardian swung into the parking lot.

"Y/N!! Get in quick! Autobots!" Was all he sayed as he through open his door and you jumped in. Speeding back onto the road away from town, you noticed the alt modes of Optimus Prime, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee trailing behind. You opened your mouth to say something, but you couldn't because Optimus had transformed and shot the ground underneath Breakdown.

You screamed as Breakdown caught you and transformed, pushing you behind his frame. At this point, you were in the middle of the desert with no one in sight. The rest of the Autobots transformed and pointed their weapons at your guardian. You sucked in breath, hiding behind Breakdown's leg.

Your sister was here.

"You bots have about a minute before swarms of Decepticons attack you. If there was anything left after I'm through with you." Your guardian was bluffing, you knew it and you bet the Autobots knew it too. But he needed to keep his guard up and stall for time.

"We have not come to fight Breakdown, all we ask is that you release the human. We will not let you hurt her anymore. We will use force if we need to."

Breakdown let out a growl at Optimus's words, flooding your body with unexpected warmth. He was willing to fight for you, which is more than you can say about anyone else.

"You can't take her Prime. You will have to go through me." Your furious guardian said, shifting into a defense position, nudging you behind a group of rocks near him. As you watched Optimus nodded at Bulkhead and Bumblebee, who fired at your guardian, hitting him in the chest. The hit was awfully close to his spark and your heart nearly stopped with terror.

"NOO!! STOP PLEASE!!" You screamed as he hit the ground with a groan. You leaped up onto his body, ignoring his pleas for you to stay hidden. Immeaditly, all eyes were on you, your sister letting out a stunned gasp.

"Y/N!?! What are you doing?? We are saving you!"

You glared down at her with the fierceness of a lion, even though you were shaking like a leaf under the gazes of the Autobots.

"What am I doing?? I'm protecting the ones I care about and who care about me. That's more than you can say. If you are going to kill Breakdown, then you will have to kill me." You said bravely, both to your sister and the Autobots. They stayed quiet, as uneasiness spread through your body.

"No, we won't."

The Prime rumbled out as you were snatched of Breakdown by the Autobots scout. You kicked and screamed as Bulkhead came up and  pointed his weapon at the fallen Con in front of you. He was staring striaght at you with a pleading look and pained optics.

"Shh, shhh. It's alright Y/N. It's ok." He said quietly as you screamed and pleaded in Bumblebee's servo. They were going to kill him as you watched, your heart was breaking. You couldn't lose him, you couldn't lose Breakdown. That would kill you even more.

Just as the Autobot Wrecker was about to shoot, a bridge opened up and Decepticons poured out. Nearly shouting in relief, you wiggled out of the stunned Scout's servo and scrambled to the rocky cave as the bots and cons started to fight.

You stumbled around for a little in the dark before you bumped into a strange metal object that lit up at your touch, which kinda looked like the relic that Megatron was talking about. You stepped forward to pick it up, as a voice sounded behind you.

"Y/N? What are you doing with the relic? Better question why are you with the Cons??" Your twin's voice sounded as you turned to face her for the first time in a long time.

"Miko. You should leave." You said, your ton colder than ice. Your sister flinched at your tone but continued to walk towards you.

"Y/N...what happened?? Why do you hate me?" She asked, stopping until she was close enough to touch. You slipped your hand onto the relic, which resembled a sword. At your touch, the metal warped and shifted until you held a modified sword instead of a Cybertronian sized on. The metal wrapped around your arm, securing itself in your grip. Miko yelped in suprise and jumped back.


You roared as she fled outside, a look of sorrow, fear, pain, and regret filling her features. Letting out a battlecry, you sprinted after her. As soon as you got outside, you were scooped up by a massive servo which belonged to your guardian. You looked up at his faceplates and instantly settled. Together with your guardian, yo watched as your sister and her wretched friends fled through the portal.

You and the Decepticons returned to the Nemsis, you explaining to Megatron why you had a relic in your grip. He let you keep it, much to your suprise, and told you that it chose you to be it's welder. After that, you and Breakdown headed off the your little area. When you reached there, Breakdown transformed and his holoform ran up to you. He picked you up and swung you around before kissing you with all his might.

"Don't scare me like that again, ok? I thought Miko was going to kill you. I can't lose you."

He said, after you stopped kissing. You let out a giggle, pecking him on his lips again.

"Relax babe. I'm not going anywhere."

Authors Note

Hello my people. I have been absent because midterms suck. But I'm back and I have wonderful news. *Takes deep breath


Other than that life kinda sucked. But it is ok..

So how's it going people? What is good in your lives. Feel free to comment.


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