Bittersweet Goodbyes (Part Two)-Bumblebee

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This is part two of Bittersweet Goodbyes. Hope you enjoy.

Give the song above a listen. It made me cry tbh.

Your POV

"Oh Bumblebee, if only you knew the things that have gone on in your abscence." You said as you sat on your back porch, staring up at the stars. It had been a little over eleven years since you had your last glimpse of the being you loved, and things had changed a lot.

After the Autobots left Earth for good, Agent Fowler had been relocated by the U.S government to help track down and dismantle M.E.C.H. Jack had finished school and went on to become a respected member of the military. Miko had to go back to her homeland, but found her way back to the States and, the last you heard, was touring the world with her famous band, the Wreckers. You too had finished school and was currently working as a EMT for a fire department in your new town. Raf went through high school and, with the help of you and the others, was attending the most prestigious college in the country.

The human members of Team Prime were scattered across the country and the world and you had slowly drifted apart. Occasionally, you would recieve a phone call or email from one of them, but it wasn't the same as when you were kids. You could still remember the tearful goodbyes you had shared with each of them. Miko at the airport, Agent Fowler at the base, Jack at the bus stop, and Raf at his new college.

And dear Primus you missed them every waking moment. The other humans, the Autobots, hell you would even pay to see old Starscream.

But, your time with the alien species was over.

Or so you thought.

"Mommy, are you talking to the Autobots again?"

Your five year old daughter asked as she joined you on the back porch. You had adopted her when she was just a baby, too young to understand that her real parents couldn't care for her. You were so lonely and she reminded you of Bumblebee. You even named her Honey, to honor your lost loved one. It was quite fitting too, considering that your little girl was just as sweet as honey.

"Yes I am, sweetheart. Would you like to say anything to them?" You asked softly, pulling her into your lap and kissing her head.

"What are their favorite colors?" She questioned in a bright tone, her face towards the stars. You chuckles into her hair, happiness filling your chest.

"That's a good question. I'll ask them that the next time I see them. But, you little missy, need to get to bed." You said, tickling her sides. She giggled before taking your hand and trying to pull you up. Smiling, you got up and let your daughter lead you inside.

Later that night, you phone began to ring. A very familiar voice rang through the receiver as you said hello.

"Y/N. The Autobots. They are here."

-----------------line break------------------

"Miko, Jack, Raf! It has been too long!" You greeted as the trio got out of the car and walked toward you.

They had brought their loved ones along with them, mostly because they already knew about the Autobots. Miko was holding hands with her husband of two years and Jack was carrying his four month old baby while his wife held his hand. Raf held hands with a pretty brunette, who had a glimmering engagement ring on her finger.  You ran up to them and threw your arms around them. They laughed and returned the hug.

"Is this your daughter? She is so cute!" Miko asked, crouching down to her height.

"Miko meet Honey, Honey this is Miko. Don't be shy, she won't bite." You told your daughter as she leaned into your leg. You chatted with your friends and their loved ones as you waited for the alien robots that you knew so long ago.

"Thank you all for coming. The Autobots are on their way here. I must say, you four certainly aged well." Agent Fowler said as he walked into silo.

"Agent Fowler! It's great to see you again!" Raf said as the man approached your group. He smiled and clapped the young man's shoulder.

"Raf, congrats on the engagement. You two are quite the couple." Raf blushed at that and Fowler began to greet the rest of you. Soon, you were all catching up with each other, talking and laughing like old times. The only thing that stopped your chatter was the sounds of multiple car engines. All of you whipped around as the alien half of Team Prine drove up to you and transformed.

"Hello again, my friends. I am very happy to see you alive and well." Optimus said, smiling down on your group.

"It is wonderful to see you again Optimus. It has been too long, my dear friend, much too long." You answered, greeting your former guardian with all the happiness you could muster. He nodded down at you before speaking.

"I believe we have some catching up to do. Autobots, come, let us reunite with our comrades." The Autobots immeaditly transformed and walked towards your group in their holoforms. You watched as charge greeted guardian and tears began to fall. Friend clung to friend as you patiently waited for Bumblebee to find you. And soon, there he was.

"Y/N. Eleven years have past and yet you are as beautiful as ever." He said walking up to you and cupping your face.

"Oh Bee. I missed you so so much. I was so lonely." You whispered to him, placing your hand over his. You leaned forward and kissed him, happiness dancing in your chest. He kissed back with an equal amount of emotion.

"Mommy, is that Bee?" You daughter asked, tugging on your pant leg as you broke away from Bee. Stepping back, you gently pulled Honey in front of you, in full view of Bumblebee.

"This is your daughter? She is so pretty. But, where is her father?" Bumblebee asked as he crouched down infront of her, stretching out a hand.

"I'm Honey and Mommy adopted me when I was a baby. I don't have a Daddy." She said, shaking his hand. The strange look in Bee's eyes lifted as he smiled back at your daughter.

"Pleasure to meet you Honey. I'm Bumblebee, though I'm sure you already knew that. Have you been taking care of your mommy?" Your daughter shook her head yes, pride lighting her eyes. You laughed in joy, glad that your love and your daughter was getting along. Bumblebee stood back up, facing you again.

"We are opening the spacebridge between Earth and Cybertron so that some of us can stay here and go back when we are needed. I just want you to know that if you wanted help raising your daughter, I'm here. I understand if you don't wa-" You cut off your soulmate's speech by squealing and throwing your arms around him.

"Bee I would love that! You can move in right away. It is a four bedroom house so we could probably fix up a room for you. And I'm sure that Honey would be delighted to be your daughter. Wouldn't you hon?" You said looking down at your daughter.

"Bee is gonna be my daddy?!? Would he sing me to sleep too? Is he going to stay with us?" She asked, an excited smile on her face. Bee reached down and scooped her up.

"You bet I would, Princess. And you would get all the gifts you want every Christmas." He said as your daughter laughed and pulled you into the group hug. You smiled and buried you face in your daughters hair. Your family was together at last and that was all you could ask for.

Authors Note

Hey my people!! It's been awhile. Sorry I haven't been updating, school has been crazy and I am sick and just life. I hope you liked the second part of Bittersweet Goodbyes. Don't you just love Honey's name?!??😍😍

Anyway stay positive!! Bye

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