Always be my hero- Megatron

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You are an Autobot and you are Optimus's sister.

Your POV

You were walking along beside your brother, Optimus, and your sparkmate, Megatronus. You had your servo intertwined with Megatronus's and he leaned over to plant a light kiss on your faceplate. It was a peaceful day on Cybertron. You loved it so much but you knew nothing like that could last.

Soon, Megatronus began to change and so did Optimus. Neither was for the better in your opinion. The war tore into your spark because the two beings you loved the most were fighting and wanted you at their sides.

You chose to join Optimus with the Autobots but, your spark remained with Megatron.

Venting hard, you sat up and wiped away the tears that had been flowing down your faceplate. You shook your helm to get rid of the memories as you headed to the main part of the base.

As you entered your brother nodded in acknowledgement, and continued to converse with the other Autobots. As he talked, he was interrupted by Ratchet.

"There appears to be significant Decepticon activity just outside Jasper, Nevada."

Optimus nodded and turned back to you and the others.

"Y/N, Bulkhead, and Arcee, you are with me. Bumblebee, stay here in case we need backup."

With that Ratchet opened a groundbridge and you all jumped through it. As you reached the other side you were immediately shot at by a Decepitcon. The other Autobots were already fighting so you quickly joined in.

You were a very good fighter and barely got more than scratches to your paint job. You had just finished the Decepticon infront of you when you heard a pained yell from your brother, who was to your left. You turned to see Megatron standing over Optimus with his sword raised.

You sprinted over and barely managed to catch Megatron's blade with your own. Your optics locked on to Megatron as you both froze for a few seconds. Struggling under the pressure of the blade you pushed it away and got into battle stance.

"Y/N." Megatron said somberly, an unknown emotion glinting in his optics.

"Megatronus." You whispered back, your spark throbbing painfully at the sight of your love.

"It's Megatron now." He answered before attacking you.

Together you fought, a deadly dance of flashing blades. You knew Megatron was holding back, and so were you. Neither of you wanted to harm the other, though that did not stop you both from receiving various scratches and dents.

Soon one of you stumbled or lost focus because the next thing you knew, you were resting against Megatron's frame with his sword protruding from your back having been stabbed through your chest, just missing your spark.

Pain shot through your frame as Megatron gently pull his sword from your chest and cradled you gently on his knees.

"Y/N, Y/N please just stay awake. Just look at me." He pleaded, staring down at your dying face. Distantly, you heard him calling for Knockout to help. You were struggling to keep yourself awake but, the thought of talking to your sparkmate again keep you going.

"M-mega-t-tronus," you whispered hoarsely, "I'm tired."

Optimus chose this moment to appear behind Megatron, seeing your dying frame in his arms, and with a pained roar raised his sword to attack Megatron.

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